I want to pass on my thanks for the care I received when having surgery last week in Omagh Day Procedure Unit. The nurses were exceptional in their professionalism, care, kindness and support for me at a time when I was very vulnerable and in pain. They advocated for me and ensured my every need was met and gave sound advice on my aftercare.
I have to mention nurses Julie and Chris in particular. Julie went above and beyond to ensure I was ok. The theatre staff and anaesthetist also provided me with care and kindness and helped manage my pain, all the while making me feel safe and that nothing was a bother. I know however, staff stayed with me during their lunch break etc when they could have prioritised themselves, which I was so grateful for.
I can't shout enough for how amazing this service is for patients with chronic illness like myself, who would otherwise sit on long waiting lists to be seen in the bigger hospitals such as Altnagelvin. In being given a place in Omagh it meant my life did not have to remain on hold while I was stuck in the system.
I cannot advocate for this service enough. I want to thank my consultant too Mr White who made that possible for me. Nurses such as Julie and Chris are a credit to our health service. They aren't just doing their job, they are going above and beyond for their patients. Their kindness to me will never be forgotten. I would like them to know the impact they had on me and for them to be acknowledged for their professionalism and humanity.
"I cannot advocate for this service enough"
About: Omagh Primary Care Complex / Day Procedure Unit Omagh Primary Care Complex Day Procedure Unit Omagh BT79 0NR
Posted by P Mac75 (as ),
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