I feel utterly helpless and hopeless. I was seen by the crisis team and took through an Mental Health assessment. It was agreed a planned admission was the reasonable option and a phone call from the community team would follow later that day to discuss this and develop a plan going forward.
The officers that were in attendance agreed without some sort of intervention this would be a reoccurring problem, where they would need intervene themselves. Anyways I was kindly taken home following a suicide attempt and mental health assessment. As a planned admission was going to be more effective and useful option. Rather as just admitting me without a plan.
I arrived home early morning before office hours. The community teams office hours are between 9am-5pm. Haven't heard anything by around lunch time I was desperate for help and I phoned the community office. Where I was told by a secretary that my Community Psychiatric Nurse (CPN) was working and would phone ASAP. Well I never received a phone call even though I was desperately reaching out for further help.
Now I have been told I have to wait the whole weekend to find out what happened. I honestly give up! I thought my CPN I could trust but I feel a total sense of betrayal knowing they were working; you would of thought speaking to an actively suicidal patient would be high on the agenda or they could of passed it on to the duty CPN but neither happened.
It's disgraceful and people will continue to see tragedies unfortunately due to this lack of care. A mental health crisis should be treated in the same way as a heart attack it's a medical emergency.
"I never received a phone call even though I was desperate"
About: Borders General Hospital / Borders Urgent Care Centre Borders General Hospital Borders Urgent Care Centre Melrose TD6 9BS Hawick Community Hospital / Mental Health outpatients Hawick Community Hospital Mental Health outpatients Hawick TD9 7AH
Posted by Itsokaynottobeokayvet (as ),
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