"Elderly relative and their journey"
About: NHS 24 / NHS 24 (111 service) Older People's Mental Health Community Physiotherapy / Perth City Community Physiotherapy Team Community Services / Home Assessment Recovery Team (HART) Community Wards / Tay Ward - Care of the Elderly Scottish Ambulance Service / Emergency Ambulance Scottish Ambulance Service / Patient Transport Service General practices in Tayside Ninewells Hospital / Medicine for the Elderly Perth Royal Infirmary / Acute Medical Unit
Who has Care Opinion told about this story?
Healthcare Improvement Scotland 1 told -
NHS 24 175 told 18 read responded -
NHS National Services Scotland 1 told -
NHS Tayside 40 told 15 read -
Office of Murdo Fraser, MSP for Mid Scotland & Fife 1 told -
Perth and Kinross Health & Social Care Partnership 15 told 10 read responded -
Scottish Ambulance Service 41 told 5 read responded -
Scottish Government 2 told