"The single most helpful programme/advice I've been involved in"

About: Mental Health Community Services / Post Covid Syndrome MDT Clinic

(as a service user),

I had the opportunity to attend the respiratory physio programme January/February 2023 in Ballymena.

I had struggled with asthma ever since having covid 2020. This impacted my ability to exercise, which in turn exacerbated my arthritis. 

Kathryn assessed my suitability for the programme and led most of the sessions. She was knowledgeable about the impact of long covid on an individual's life in terms of the practical implications - eg having to give up work, as well as the emotional implications I was having to face.

Kathryn was compassionate and encouraging. This programme allowed me to get back to exercise and has helped my asthma. It gave me hope that I could make some improvement with the physical limitations I faced.

It has been the single most helpful programme/advice I've been involved in. So thank you team.

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Caroline Speedy, Assistant Director Medicine and Emergency Medicine, Causeway Medicine/Cardiology/Rheumatology/Endocrine/Renal/Dietetics/C5 and C7, NHSCT nearly 2 years ago
Caroline Speedy
Assistant Director Medicine and Emergency Medicine, Causeway Medicine/Cardiology/Rheumatology/Endocrine/Renal/Dietetics/C5 and C7,
Submitted on 21/05/2023 at 09:30
Published on Care Opinion at 09:30


Thank you so much for you positive comments. I will pass this onto Kathryn and the team and hope you continue to improve.

Kind Regards

Caroline Speedy

Clinical Services Manager

  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful
Response from Dr Elaine Smallman, Clinical Health Psychology Post/Long Covid Service, Northern Health and Social Care Trust nearly 2 years ago
Dr Elaine Smallman
Clinical Health Psychology Post/Long Covid Service,
Northern Health and Social Care Trust
Submitted on 22/05/2023 at 10:19
Published on Care Opinion at 10:19


Thank you so much for sharing your experience from Rehabilitation. I am sure it will help others going through similar experiences.

Best wishes for your ongoing recovery.

Elaine Smallman

Clinical Psychologist

Post Covid Service in Clinical Health Psychology.

  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful
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