"The way People who are in Psychosis are treated"

About: Forth Valley Royal Hospital / Accident & emergency Forth Valley Royal Hospital / Adult mental health (Wards 2,3)

(as a carer),

My Mother has had a Severe Schizophrenic illness for 30 years and was found wandering in the street confused & incoherent & brought home. Initial thoughts were that she may have taken an overdose. She was very unwell; her paranoia was increasing causing her to be difficult to reason with. I contacted her CPN to ask for my Mother to be admitted to the Mental health Ward in Forth valley Royal directly to be assessed. I was told that I would need to call an ambulance. I highlighted how inappropriate it would be for my Mother to sit in a and e during a psychosis?

I queried why she couldn't get bloods taken in the Mental health ward then go for treatment in the Main hospital if required? I was told that the process for People in a Psychosis is to go & sit in A and E for hours. The CMHT had no plan for my Mother. Paramedics arrived to my Mother's flat and were very thorough in their assessment of my Mother, they contacted FVRH to ask if my Mother could be admitted directly to a Mental health ward. They were told she would need to wait in a and e for a blood test. I then had to bring my Mother in on my own into the A & E.

My Mother was sitting in the waiting room pointing & shouting out to People that they were 'acting'. She was in a delusional psychotic state reacting to everything around her. After about 40 mins she was seen by a Nurse in a & e. My Mother's blood pressure was very high nearly 200. I pointed out that she was in a psychosis. I wasn't sure if she had taken an overdose which might be causing her to present in this way.

My Mum was shouting at me. I said she needed to be seen by the Mental health team. I also said that my Mum couldn't sit in the main waiting area. The nurse said we could sit in the smaller waiting area. This was worse being in closer proximity to others. A Student nurse had to be told to find a private room for bloods & not in a waiting room. After 30 mins my Mother started shouting & was saying inappropriate things. I walked away to try to remove my Mother from the situation. I spoke to another nurse in a & e they were not helpful at this point, they told me to sit back in the waiting area. They were unempathetic & dealing with another patient. I pointed out that my Mother was being verbally abusive to me & other patients that this was not acceptable. The nurse found a small room for my Mother & me. However, My Mother continued to verbally abuse me for a further 3 hours I had no respite or help from anyone. A student nurse did bring my Mum a coffee & sandwich but she had no other drinks for hours. 
I had to keep saying to the same Nurse that arranged the room when they passed by that I needed my Mother seen by a Doctor Urgently & I couldn't cope any longer. 
A register came eventually to see us, they said the bloods didn't show an overdose. They left a urine sample. I had to give the sample to a nurse in the clinical assessment unit. I asked the Registrar if my Mother could be put in a bay but there was no space for her? They did arrange for my Mother to get her medication that I brought in with me.
Eventually after 5 hours in the hospital I went to the main clinical assessment unit I told a Nurse in front of Everyone that I had been in the hospital for 5 hours & I still didn't know what was wrong with my Mother. I highlighted that my Mother was verbally abusive to me for hours. I asked when the Mental health team would arrive. I also pointed out that my Mother was now sleeping in a chair.
In the early hours of the morning the Mental health Psychiatrist & Nurse arrived to assess my Mother. She was sleeping. They asked her questions identifying that she was in a psychosis. She told them that the people in the accommodation that she was living were conspiring against her.  I updated the team that my Mum was becoming more unwell lately. She didn't have enough lithium to control her illness. I pointed out that my Mum was very breathless; she might be dehydrated & had a urine infection.
Following the Psychiatry input my Mother's care experience improved. They said she would be admitted to the Mental health ward. She was moved to a bay in the clinical assessment unit. A Chest xray & ECG arranged. The x-ray revealed my Mother had a bad chest infection & likely dehydration. She was started on an Antibiotic & transferred to the Mental health ward about 5am. Me & My Mother were completely exhausted by this experience. My Mother's  psychosis deteriorated during her time in the A and E department. The care only improved significantly when the Mental health professionals were involved. 
Who is making these bad decisions for mentally ill People? As a Carer I had no rights in this process but I had to be assertive throughout to challenge Hospital staff to force them to make my Mother a priority. I feel the Community Mental health Team & NHS Forth Valley should Review & prioritise their processes for People experiencing Psychosis & their Carers. A blood test can be taken in a mental health ward its inhumane to allow a Person in psychosis to deteriorate & leave the burden to a Main Carer.
The Scottish Government should be informed about my Mother's experience. They must Change processes to prevent any other Mentally ill Person going through this inhumane experience. Direct admission to a Mental health ward is all that is necessary to prevent a person in psychosis deteriorating over the course of an admission. 
Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Caroline Logan, Person Centred Co-ordinator, Nursing, NHS Forth Valley nearly 2 years ago
Caroline Logan
Person Centred Co-ordinator, Nursing,
NHS Forth Valley
Submitted on 29/06/2023 at 11:52
Published on Care Opinion at 12:16

Good Morning venus127

Thank you for taking the time to share your experience. May I take this opportunity to apologise for you and your mother's experience and for the distress this has caused you.

It was obviously an extremely emotional and upsetting experience for you and seeing your mum so poorly would have been distressing. It is always difficult for our staff to hear that we have not met the needs and expectations of our patients and their families, as it is never our intention to cause any additional stress or concern.

We would really like to be given the opportunity to look into your experience and to do this, we need some further information. Can I ask you to contact Craig Spawton, Senior Charge Nurse, Emergency Department on 01324 566137, or by e-mail craig.spawton@nhs.scot who will be able to chat with you and provide you with support.

I do hope your mum's health is improving and please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards


Caroline Logan

Person Centred Co-ordinator

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