"Specialist breast feeding service"

About: Children & younger people's services / Ashfield Healthy Family Team Children & younger people's services / Infant Feeding Service Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust - Queen's Medical Centre Campus / Paediatric surgery

(as a parent/guardian),

I attended the specialist breastfeeding service at Ashfield Health and Wellbeing centre with my son when he was 10 weeks old for specialist breast feeding support due to issues with pain on feeding and poor weight gain. He was diagnosed with a posterior tongue tie which was felt to be causing this and was referred for ligation.

Unfortunately I was told that NUH only see babies through their tongue tie service until the age of 12 weeks and as the waiting times were long we would not have been seen before this cut of and would instead need referring to Sheffield Childrens hospital. This had the advantage there was no upper age limit to access the service however the wait time was still over 1 month.

I have found the community support and services for breast feeding really positive and helpful for me but this seems almost a waste if an issue is identified yet this cannot be addressed because wait times are too long and a 12 week old baby then becomes ‘too old’ to access a service. NUH is a tertiary children’s hospital with the expertise to manage complex and unwell children and so I doubt that a simple procedure such as this ligation couldn’t be performed past 12 weeks.

Fortunately for me I was able to pay privately to have this procedure done for my son, and since then he is feeding better, has better weight gain and overall has less symptoms likely as a result of his tongue tie release. I am aware though that not everyone is in a financial position to be able to do this, and had I not been able to I am sure I would not still be breast feeding. I strongly feel that this service should be more accessible for everyone and reducing waiting times and increasing the upper age limit babies can be seen through this service is so important.

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Response from Tina Hancock, Service Manager, Children and Young People's Services (0-19), Community Health Division nearly 2 years ago
Tina Hancock
Service Manager, Children and Young People's Services (0-19),
Community Health Division
Submitted on 29/06/2023 at 14:14
Published on Care Opinion at 14:14

Dear Isitrachael,

Thank you so much for taking the time to post your comments on this forum. We really appreciate all feedback and use this to improve our service in the future.

The Infant Feeding Team are skilled and knowledgeable in providing support for parents when they need it. I'm so pleased that the support provided enabled you to eventually get the intervention your baby needed to help him thrive.

Your valuable comments and feedback will help us to work with other professionals to improve the service offered and hopefully improve the service for others in a similar situation as yourself to seek and receive help and support.

Thank you again for your comments and I'm so pleased that your son is doing well.

Tina Hancock

Service Manager

  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful
Response from Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust - Queen's Medical Centre Campus nearly 2 years ago
Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust - Queen's Medical Centre Campus
Submitted on 05/07/2023 at 15:50
Published on nhs.uk at 19:50

Hello there, thank you for sharing your experience of our hospitals.

I am so very pleased to hear that your son has been seen now and that he is doing so well. It is also fantastic to hear that the breast feeding service were so supportive, this feedback will reassure all new mothers who are referred to them in the future.

I will forward this comment to the children’s hospital tongue tie service manager so that they can also use this feedback to share with their teams.

Would it be possible for you to get in touch so that we can obtain more information please? Our email address is QMCPET@nuh.nhs.uk I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes

Kelly Morley - Patient experience and engagement officer.

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