"Care after having a stroke"

About: Glasgow Royal Infirmary / Accident & Emergency Glasgow Royal Infirmary / Stroke care (Ward 17, 31, 36) New Stobhill Hospital / Stroke care

(as the patient),

I had called 111, who advised I as not having a stoke, however, they advised me to call my GP surgery when it opened, I did so and the receptionist said she would get a Doctor to call me back.  When my GP returned my call, they advised I go straight to hospital as I was having a stroke.  I went to Glasgow Royal Infirmary where I was seen at A&E immediately, investigations carried out and admitted to receiving ward and then transferred to ward 31 very quickly.  All the staff excellent.  

In ward 31GRI and ward C at Stobhill, I have to commend the care and attention that I have received and witnessed during my stay has was exemplary. In particular the following staff that personally deal with me:

Ward 31 GRI  Auxiliary staff, Debbie who works 150% from start to end of her shift, Donna, Debbie, Caril, Anne. Staff nurse Lyndsey also showed kindness and gentleness as well as a professionalism that made me feel secure.

Ward C Stobhill

Physios all of whom who continually encouraged me,

particularly Christine- knowledgeable, motivated, personable

Lynda  - gentle, enlightened

Roisin - stimulating, kind

Susan - understanding

Exercise class is brilliant and definitely encourages you. Plinky plonky relaxation music is amazing.

Auxiliary staff

Linda - thoughtful, diligent, hard working

Jemma - gentle, caring

Fiona - encouraging, approachable

Alison - kind

Liz - gentle

Val - helpful

Margaret - willing

Domestic staff

Alison - happy, always helpful, hard working

Nursing staff

Rebecca - welcoming, smiley

Sharon - helpful, knowledgeable

Sharon - amazingly kind, knowledgeable

Lesley - spirit lifting

Student nurse - Amy - conscientious , understanding

O. Ts

Laura - well informed, proficient, encouraging

Hannah - competent, compassionate

Scott - gentle, patient

These dedicated angels have encouraged me to continue trying  to get better. Words cannot express how much I owe to these devoted, knowledgeable and beyond caring staff. They work so hard and most of the time do not get the chance to inhale breath never mind exhale it. They all displayed care, compassion and understanding above and beyond the call of duty, often still on the ward beyond their official finishing time,  These individuals are inspirational and have definitely attributed to my wellness and recovery. If I, or you, could nominate them for an award this would not been enough for their steadfastness and commitment to patients! All the staff on the wards are a credit to the NHS.

At times watching and listening to their tenderness and sense of patient dignity moved me to tears. Yet, they continue to encourage independence in such an encouraging way.

Some of the staff have been cursed at, shouted at with continued demands made on them, yet they have shown nothing but professionalism, kindness and understanding.

These individuals are inspirational and have definitely attributed to my wellness and recovery.

I can't thank the NHS and these dedicated staff enough, despite their low pay, for their ceaseless and extremely hard work and care shown to everyone in the ward.

Please can you acknowledge their hard work and how much effort they put in every minute of every shift.

I wish the government could witness what I have and they would then understand these amazing people are over worked and under paid. Upskilling current staff is a good idea but this has to be commensurate with pay and additional staff. More staff is needed on the ward to ensure a healthy work life balance and retention of your excellent staff.

I do not have the words to praise these angels enough, please know this is a heartfelt email of appreciation and never ending thanks.

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Response from Kevin Torbet, Admin Assistant, Patient Experience and Public Involvement, NHSGGC nearly 2 years ago
Kevin Torbet
Admin Assistant, Patient Experience and Public Involvement,
Submitted on 19/07/2023 at 08:54
Published on Care Opinion at 08:54

picture of Kevin Torbet

Dear Mrs Wedgie

Thank you so much for taking the time to leave us your feedback on Care Opinion.

It was lovely to hear how the staff took such good care of you after your stroke. I can only begin to imagine how worried you and your family must have been.

I was happy to hear the staff went 'above the call of duty' and you felt safe throughout your stay.

I will be delighted to pass on your thanks to all the staff mentioned who I'm sure will be as touched as I was to read your lovely comments.

I hope your feeling a lot better and recovering well back at home.

Kind regards


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