I have complained so many times and nothing is getting better
This time a response of-we know it’s not working and we need to improve things-is just not going to cut it
So many times I ring when I am distressed at night and no one answers the phone. To then be bombarded with leave your name, date of birth, telephone number and the team you are open to is just too overwhelming when you are distressed
I rang so many times during the night last night and couldn’t leave a message. Finally just after 5am I left what I know was a clear message asking for someone to ring me
I was struggling and feeling suicidal. I had hurt myself during a mental health crisis and needed help
I felt reassured that I had finally been able to leave a message and trusted that someone would ring me and I could get the help I needed
However, as is very normal recently no one rang me back and I am now sat outside the hospital trying to find the courage to go in and get some help
If there is no support at night why not just be honest and say so and I won’t spend hours waiting for help that never comes
This is putting my life at risk and I need to get something resolved as quickly as possible
"Crisis care at night"
About: Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust / Adult Mental Health Crisis Services Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Adult Mental Health Crisis Services Nottingham NG3 6AA
Posted by madperson (as ),
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