I have struggled with my mental health, particularly over the last year and have been unable to hold a job down. I was referred to Louise, IPS Employment Specialist, by my Community Psychiatric Nurse (CPN) during a particularly difficult time and she is really helping me.
Louise attends meetings with my DWP work coach, is friendly, funny and kind and caring. She listens to what I want regarding work and supports me in all areas of employment support. She offers suggestions, advice when it's needed and will always be honest with me, even if I don't want to hear it, which I like.
She has got to know me over time and notices when I am not doing well, even when other people don't seem to, which makes me trust her.
Because of Louise's help I feel more positive that I will get back into work and keep the job as she will continue to help me. Her knowledge is really good and she knows what she is doing.
She makes my day, is always smiling and very professional and I look forward to seeing what will happen next for me in my employment journey.
"Makes my day!"
About: Adult Mental Health Community / IPS Future's Positive - County Adult Mental Health Community IPS Future's Positive - County Sutton in Ashfield NG17 4JT https://www.nottinghamshirehealthcare.nhs.uk/employment-support-service Adult Mental Health Community / Rushcliffe Local Mental Health Team (LMHT) Adult Mental Health Community Rushcliffe Local Mental Health Team (LMHT) Nottingham NG2 7PG
Posted by Tilly85 (as ),
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