I had been to the GP with ongoing bowel trouble, PR bleeding fresh red blood and the inability to pass stools. GP put me on laxatives which weren't really helping me pass. The stool was coming down and I was having to self evacuate cause I was unable to pass it normally. I had a colonoscopy which showed nothing and advice was to start senna. Which again I didn't feel any benefit from.
I was referred to the rectal bleeding clinic and due to COVID 19 all appointments were via telephone. I was commenced on a treatment of cream to be used twice daily for 8 weeks which again didn't work then another 8 weeks. I was then referred to colerectal surgeons.
I was seen by a registrar who believed I had a tear but they were unable to see this from the outside they therefore advised a treatment of Botox that would be injected into my sphincter muscle to paralyse it to allow it to heal. I was due this operation in July 2021 but was cancelled due to COVID and I received that treatment on October 2022. I received the Botox due to a tear and I had small haemorrhoids which were bled. My consultant found a rectocele during this operation. I explained to my consultant that in August 2022 I seen the GP due to a lump and I was advised by GP this was an abscess, was given antibiotics and another appointment for following week. I explained I was concerned that this was a form of prolapse and was dismissed complete.
I ended up in a&e at the royal that weekend I was extremely swollen and they found I had a UTI and that my bloods the GP took showed my CRP was raised, was advised to continue antibiotics given by GP. I saw gp again and was advised that my lump was gone, I advised I could still feel it but they again dismissed me. I submitted a urine sample 4 days after antibiotics finished, I called surgery at 5pm was told my sample wasn't back yet. I received a called at 5.40pm the same night and was advised by gp that I still had a urine infection and a prescription was at reception to collect. Before my operation I was commenced on folic acid for 3 months due to blood results. I was commenced on a further 3 months of treatment after my operation due to folic acid levels. At this time I was suffering with dental problems such as infections and mouth ulcers which is something I am not prone to getting my dentist advised me to speak with GP.
I seen my consultant in April 2023 who discussed going forward. They were happy the bleeding has now resolved but this may return. The consultant doesn't know why I still can't pass stools properly, I advised that my GP asked that I ask to have a faecal calprotectin test which came back clear. I spent 2 and a half months trying to get these results. My surgeon also was referring me to one of his colleagues in wishaw. Which I have an appointment for in September (which I had to chase up waiting list time and the secretary gave me this appointment) My doctor has asked for advice if there is anything else that can be offered to me.
Due to my rectocele I saw a gynaecologist in January 2023 who examined me and stated I have a grade 1 rectocele during his examination they found no other issues and that my pain is likely coming from my bowels. They wanted an ultrasound to check that there is no gynaecological issues. I had my ultrasound in August 2023 (again I was phoning about waiting list times and was given an appointment for the following day). I am awaiting results.
I was also seen by uro gynaecologist who has referred me for pelvic physiotherapy due to the rectocele. They advised me that surgery would only be an option when the rectocele becomes more of a problem. I am currently on a waiting list and unsure of the waiting list times as management referral service don't have access to these lists. I ended up in extreme pain in August 2023 at home. The pain had me on my kitchen floor in excruciating pain. I seen my GP who advised my pain was likely coming from my bowels and that he believes my bowel is spasming and that's where the pain is coming from. The intensity of the pain has reduced but it's still there despite taken the medication given by GP. This has therefore led me to having to take a week off work sick due to the pain and discomfort. The only diagnostic tests I have had for my bowels are:ColonoscopyFecal calprotectin testBlood testsBotoxExamination under anesthetic Haemorrhoids bledStool sample (for helicobacter) which was negative.My treatment is currently ongoing but my mental health and physical health is suffering I feel helpless and in pain. Having issues sleeping (unsure if this is due to worry, pain, stress or hormones). I am trying to continue as normal but it's very hard. My friends and family have noticed a huge change in me over the last few years. My stomach bloats and swells and is uncomfortable. I feel uncomfortable in my own skin. My bowels haven't been right since I delivered my second baby over 10 and a half years ago but the last 5 years have been hell for me. I am miserable. I feel no matter where I turn I get no answers but more problems. I feel that nobody really wants to help me get a diagnosis and I don't know where to turn for help anymore. Anytime I mention to GP about how I feel I get told yes you have a lot going on.
"Colerectal problems"
About: General practices in Lanarkshire General practices in Lanarkshire University Hospital Hairmyres / Gynaecology University Hospital Hairmyres Gynaecology G75 8RG University Hospital Hairmyres / Outpatients Department University Hospital Hairmyres Outpatients Department G75 8RG University Hospital Monklands / Gastroenterology (Ward 10) University Hospital Monklands Gastroenterology (Ward 10) ML6 0JS University Hospital Monklands / Gynaecology University Hospital Monklands Gynaecology ML6 0JS University Hospital Wishaw / Gastroenterology University Hospital Wishaw Gastroenterology ML2 0DP University Hospital Wishaw / Gynaecology (Ward 13) University Hospital Wishaw Gynaecology (Ward 13) ML2 0DP
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