
About: Royal Alexandra Hospital / Day Surgery Unit

(as a service user),

I attended for a colonoscopy. The staff were great and very informative about the procedure and I was told that if I had the sedative before the procedure that I would remember almost nothing and feel very calm. I opted for this as I was a bit nervous.

I can honestly say that I will never have a colonoscopy again if the options of sedation are the same. The pain of this procedure was unbelievable, so much so that I vomited a few times because of this. It was very obvious how much discomfort I was in and I was given extra (something) intravenously to help. It did not help. I remember everything about the whole process and left feeling utterly traumatised.

I would say I had a pretty good pain threshold but this was awful. I spoke to an acquaintance who had the same procedure recently and they had to stop it because of the pain.

I do understand the need to be vigilant with your health but there must be another way to check your bowel that does not include this pain and trauma to patients.

On return to the ward I was not asked how I felt. I was given tea and something to eat but there was no follow up on how I felt. My Sister arrived to collect me and said I looked like I had been hit by a truck.

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Response from Nicole McInally, Patient Experience and Public Involvement Project Manager, PEPI, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde about a year and a half ago
Nicole McInally
Patient Experience and Public Involvement Project Manager, PEPI,
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Submitted on 30/08/2023 at 09:13
Published on Care Opinion at 09:13

picture of Nicole McInally

Posted on behalf of Julie Huntly, Lead Nurse, Surgical Services

Dear LeMAC

I am so sorry to hear of your experience and discomfort during your colonoscopy at RAH. The colonoscopy is performed with both sedation and pain relief and on occasions the bowel can be irritated with the air that is passed into the bowel. I appreciate you had additional pain relief or sedation with very little effect and I am very sorry this was the case. I would be keen if possible for you to share your personal details with me so I can review your colonoscopy report and if acceptable to you give you a call, and talk through your experience. If you can email me at: Julie.Huntly@ggc.scot.nhs.uk

Thank you


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