I completed the five week Cardiac Rehab programme at Craigavon Area Hospital and found it to be invaluable. I had open heart surgery four months ago and it had really zapped my confidence. Sean, Fiona and the lovely physios have done so much to restore this. With their expert guidance and supervision I discovered that I was capable of so much more physically than I could have imagined. It was wonderful to meet other folk who had suffered cardiac events and see them blossom as the weeks passed. As well as the physical aspect we received incredibly useful information regarding our health and mental wellbeing.
I am unfortunately facing more unrelated major surgery in the next few weeks and am certain that I would not have been physically fit enough to cope with it without this fantastic programme.
Knowing that I can contact Fiona or Sean with any cardiac worries at anytime in the future is also incredibly reassuring, particularly at present when it is so difficult to contact a GP.Although the programme has now finished participants are given the opportunity to join a Chest Heart and Stroke walking group and to be referred to the Fit and Well scheme at their local ABC council leisure centre so there is continuity of care.
I would highly recommend that anyone who is offered a place on this indispensable programme in the future grab it with both hands. As another participant commented -it has really made me feel like me again, not just a patient.
"Craigavon Cardiac Rehabilitation"
About: Cardiac Rehab and secondary prevention / Craigavon Cardiac Rehabilitation Cardiac Rehab and secondary prevention Craigavon Cardiac Rehabilitation BT63 5QQ
Posted by Nanny Shell (as ),
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