"Getting My Life Back - menopause support"

About: General Practices in NHS Highland Highland Community Services / Menopause Service

(as the patient),

I had a really difficult time coping with and managing menopause symptoms.  

I felt like I had reached a point where nothing would ever get better, I changed into a person I didn't recognise and others didn't recognise either.

I felt alone and as if I was imagining things, spent months thinking I just needed to pull myself together and became depressed.  Anxiety and lack of sleep took over my life. Aches and pains, paranoia, no confidence and feeling so embarrassed about myself meant I withdrew from everyone and although I continued to work, I have no idea how I managed.  I couldn't even explain how I felt properly and then one day, everything came to a head and I knew I had to be honest. 

I felt at ease and was able to describe what had been happening to me from both physical and mental perspectives.  It turned out it wasn't that I was lazy or depressed or imagining physical discomfort.  Everything I had been experiencing was related to menopause and was real.  We discussed all the treatments available and lots of information was shared with me in a way I understood.  







Seeing the whole me

Seeing the whole me

Staff attitude

Staff attitude



Staff skills

Staff skills

Other staff

Other staff



I have not found information in the press and internet to always helped to get the real information about the menopause and HRT and many women seem to suffer in silence. I believe there could be tragic cases where women have felt they have no-one to turn to and have feared seeking help because of embarrassment, shame, anxiety and lack of sleep.  At times, all these things combine and it is easy for those with a lack of understanding and knowledge of the menopause to react to a woman who needs help by treating inappropriately with only anti-depressants and sleep medication instead of HRT. I'm not saying that is always the case, it did not happen to me, but I'm sure it could happen.

I am very fortunate to have an excellent GP who is knowledgeable and understanding and she was pleased and interested to receive the information from Dr Lata following my appointments with her.  We three worked together to make me better.  It is a shame not everyone has that when initially seeking help from their GP.  I am in my 50's yet I feel like I am 35.  I have my life back and am grateful every day.

I want all women who are suffering like I did to know they do not need to, and there is help available, they are not alone or imagining things.  

I heard about the Highland Sexual Health menopause service and Dr Lata's clinic and I called to see about a referral.  I got an appointment and it has changed my life.  Everyone I have had contact with at Highland Sexual Health, where this clinic is, has been professional and I have been treated with care and understanding.

When suffering through the menopause, confidence can be eroded and women can be wrongly judged as being hysterical and overly emotional. Many women suffering in perimenopause and menopause may not have the strength or confidence to pursue help. I feel lucky every day that I did not have to struggle on and I got help and support at this clinic.

Dr Lata is a consultant in sexual health, an expert. You can tell immediately that she is super knowledgeable and human and her attitude is one which puts you at ease.  She is a very good listener and it is clear she is passionate about her work.

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Kimberley MacInnes, Lead Nurse/Service Manager, Highland Sexual Health, NHS Highland 16 months ago
Kimberley MacInnes
Lead Nurse/Service Manager, Highland Sexual Health,
NHS Highland

I manage the sexual health service in North Highland, I am also the Lead Nurse for the service.

Submitted on 01/11/2023 at 11:52
Published on Care Opinion at 11:52

picture of Kimberley MacInnes

Dear HappyGrateful,

Thank you so much for taking the time to write about your positive experience while attending our service. I will ensure that Dr Lata is made aware of this lovely feedback. It is always good to hear about patient experiences and if there are aspects of care that we can improve on.

I especially like the animations you have included in your feedback, thank you again.

Kind regards

Kimberley MacInnes

Service Manager/Lead Nurse.

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