"Lack of care and values BGH"

About: Borders General Hospital / Accident & Emergency

(as a service user),

I took an overdose and was take to hospital when I had an ecg, blood test  and put on a heart monitor. During my presentation at the Borders General Hospital I asked for water because I was so dry, twice and never got any water. I was discharge without see any mental health team this is the second occasion.

Regarding my previous attempt, they didn't allow me to access any mental health support instead they discharge me pretty quickly. I believe I'm being discriminated against because of my disabilities, poor mental health and being a vulnerable adult. I think this supports what I'm saying.

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Response from Lesley Anderson, Senior Charge Nurse, Emergency Department, NHS Borders 16 months ago
Lesley Anderson
Senior Charge Nurse, Emergency Department,
NHS Borders
Submitted on 31/10/2023 at 08:34
Published on Care Opinion at 08:34

Dear Itsokaynottobeokayvet,

Thankyou for taking the time to use Care Opinion. We value all feedback so we can use this for improvement. I am sorry that you were not provided with water when requested. If you are happy to email me your name and date of attendance, then I can investigate further. There are occasions where we have to keep patients nil by mouth, for example in the event they need urgent surgery or if their level of consciousness is reduced which would increase risk of poor swallowing and the risk of aspiration of fluids into the lungs. The decision for mental health support is normally provided to everyone who attends following an intentional overdose so I am unsure why this didn't happen however, again, if you are happy to email me your name and date of attendance, I can try and investigate further. Once again, thanks for taking the time to use Care Opinion. I hope you are currently getting the support required and starting to feel better.


Lesley Anderson

Senior Charge Nurse, Emergency Dept, BGH.

email: lesley.anderson@borders.scot.nhs.uk

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