"SAS - transport service"

About: Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Glasgow / Renal and Transplant Services (Ward 4a, 4d) Scottish Ambulance Service / Patient Transport Service

(as a relative),

My wife has used SAS Patient Transport for over 3 years to get to kidney dialysis three times a week. This has been an excellent service and all the SAS staff, without exception, are professional, kind, caring and compassionate.  They are unsung heroes.

My wife had a kidney transplant 5 weeks ago and is currently suffering complications, which require short notice visits to QEUH.  We live a 2 hour trip from QEUH, Glasgow.  She was picked up this morning, one hour early and taken up to QEUH by Patient Transport for an appointment arranged by the Transplant Clinic on Monday.

When the Patient Transport driver arrived on the ward to bring my wife home. The nurse explained that transport had not yet been requested as the surgeon had not seen my wife following her scan.  The nurse phoned Patient Transport Control to be told, in no uncertain terms, that if my wife did not go with the driver right now that she would have to make her own way home. 

The nurse explained that the ward was full so they could not give my wife a bed and that she was 5 weeks post transplant and on immuno-suppressants so could not travel on public transport.  The response, again, was that if she didn't go with the driver now that she would have to make her own way home. My wife and the nurse were left to choose between her seeing the surgeon, which was the main reason for the visit to QEUH, and getting home. They took the difficult decision for my wife to go home, this was only acceptable to the Nurse as my wife is back at Transplant Clinic the following day and could be seen by the surgeon then.

To cause further insult to injury, when my wife and the driver got down to the ambulance her transport had been aborted. Thankfully the driver had compassion and common sense and brought my wife home. 

We understand that all NHS services are stretched, but I don't believe one department (SAS) making another department's (Transplant Clinic) work more challenging and difficult than it already is helps neither department deliver an acceptable service. I believe working in the NHS at the moment  is a pressured job, infighting helps no one. I think some of the call handlers need to remember that there is a person at the centre of this. 

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from David King, Patient Experience Coordinator, Corporate Affairs, Scottish Ambulance Service 16 months ago
David King
Patient Experience Coordinator, Corporate Affairs,
Scottish Ambulance Service
Submitted on 21/11/2023 at 10:55
Published on Care Opinion at 10:55

Dear JoFi

Thank you for sharing your story.

I am saddened to read of your wife's experience on this occasion.

To allow me to have this matter investigated I would be grateful if you would email our Patient Experience Team at sas.feedback@nhs.scot with your name. Care Opinion name. contact telephone number, address, your wife's name and the date of the incident.

Kindest regards


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Response from Nicole McInally, Patient Experience and Public Involvement Project Manager, PEPI, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 15 months ago
Nicole McInally
Patient Experience and Public Involvement Project Manager, PEPI,
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Submitted on 28/11/2023 at 09:43
Published on Care Opinion at 09:43

picture of Nicole McInally

Dear JoFi

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback. I am so sorry to hear about the issues your wife encountered regarding transport home. I can see that David from the Scottish Ambulance Service has asked you to get in touch. I hope that your wife managed to see the surgeon but if you have any worries about your wife’s health please contact the Team on 0141 451 6209.

Please pass on my best wishes to your wife.

Kind Regards


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