I have a grade 3 hemorrhoid which I know about. I do occasionally have small amounts of blood on toilet paper which is normal or inflamed piles where the vein swells and similar to a blood clot.
I woke one morning and my bottom felt rather sweaty I thought so I gave it a wipe. There was terrible discharge, nothing like I've had before, a lot of blood and mucus, took me half a roll of toilet paper to clean myself up, I've also noticed I have soiled the bed from by bottom, which is disgusting.
I tried to phone all day, every 10 mins to half an hour, each time I was always in a queue, at least 20 in a queue. Now I have serious mental health condition and can't sit waiting in a queue this long even in a shop, I just leave if there is a queue.
It's now past a week, my inflamed piles have shrunk but each time I pass stool the toilet water is red with blood, a lot of blood and I'm still in pain, it's sore and stings terribly, it's difficult to get to sleep and I get woke up with pain. I'm scared to pass wind in case I soil my underwear.
I've tried and tried so many time just to get advice over the phone as I have stomach pains too, and I'm worried I have internal problems. I'll try right on 8.30 to see if I can get through but I doubt it.
The is the most disorganized GP practice I've been to, and I've lived all over Scotland. If you need to see or speak to a doctor, good luck with that, cause if you manage to you're lucky. Doctors have also messed up my prescription a lot, leaving me with no meds and making the symptoms of my mental health condition worse.
"I needed help but could not get it, so went through the pain and suffering"
About: General practices in Forth Valley General practices in Forth Valley
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Update posted by Joejoe1980 (the patient) 14 months ago
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