Contacted NHS 24 with concerns regarding a violent attack of muscle spasms which were causing me severe pain and weakness. After completing the assessment with a call handler, the call handler advised that they had spoken to a clinician and they advised I'd recieve a phone call from the local health board to discuss the next steps in my care. I received a timely response by a doctor from the unscheduled care setting at the Borders General Hospital.
Unfortunately, I have complicated health conditions; which means I attend the unscheduled care setting regularly and am familiar with staff who work in the Out of Hours. Anyways, cutting to the chase I spoke with a doctor, who asked me how they could help. I explained my concerns and they decided that they wanted to see me to carry out an assessment in A&E. The doctor is aware of my history due to countless visits to the A&E department due to seizures, blackouts, head injuries and so on. They still advise that I should drive to the hospital and park in the bay outside the main entrance and phone a number on arrival.
Now had we not had countless previous dealings then this could been seen as a general mistake or you could think of lots of reasons to justify this decision. Doctors are aware that certain health conditions mean you aren't safe nor medically fit to drive. Now I have a condition on top of my seizures that affect my vision which is a life long condition and unfortunately no cure for it at present. This all happened in the early hours this morning no public transport to the hospital.
I feel the doctor was being deliberate and at the very least being obstructive as they are very familiar of me as a patient. The doctor knows I can't drive so to say such a thing to me, knowing I don’t drive or own a car, was simply a way of avoiding having to see me and to treat me, I believe. I feel it's personal and discrimination.
"Interaction with doctor"
About: Borders General Hospital / GP Out of Hours (BECS) Borders General Hospital GP Out of Hours (BECS) Melrose TD6 9BS NHS 24 / NHS 24 (111 service) NHS 24 NHS 24 (111 service)
Posted by Itsokaynottobeokayvet (as ),
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