I moved to Fife a few years ago and recently found out I am pregnant. I am finding pregnancy in NHS Fife very different from NHS Lothian where I had my last pregnancy.
Firstly all of my notes and appointments are held on an app which means there is no folder which I am not opposed to but they recently changed the date of my 12 week scan without informing me and I only noticed while I was on the app looking at something else. In addition to this they also changed the hospital I was to attend and when I attended the appointment they informed me that I was at the wrong hospital despite my notes saying otherwise.
My midwife appointments in Fife compared to Edinburgh are also different. My booking appointment was done over the phone which felt very impersonal. My second midwife appointment took place at the hospital rather than in my local surgery which again felt very clinical and impersonal.
So far I have had 2 scans. I had an early scan at 8 weeks due to previous ectopic pregnancies and miscarriage and a few weeks ago had my 12 week scan. I was very disappointed at both scans to find that they don’t give you a photograph unless you ask and when you do they only give you one and then also ask you for a donation if you chose to take a photo. I feel this is really poor! The one photo I got at each scan was really bad quality, you can hardly make out any features at all and we have no alternatives. I wouldn’t mind giving a donation for pictures if there were a few good ones but I declined to donate for the rubbish one I ended up with.
Overall I just feel like the care provided in Fife has been very clinical, impersonal and the very bare minimum they have to offer. I didn’t feel this way during my last pregnancy in Edinburgh. Given that was in 2020 when there were lockdowns and social distancing measures in place that’s quite surprising. You would expect my care to be more personal this time but sadly that’s not my experience to date.
"Very different antenatal care"
About: Maternity care / Antenatal clinic Maternity care Antenatal clinic KY2 5AH Queen Margaret Hospital / Maternity care Queen Margaret Hospital Maternity care KY12 0SU
Posted by holly24 (as ),
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