My elderly parents were admitted a few times to hospital from October to December 2022.
The Trust and wards were under pressure and a good bit of the care was excellent however I feel the need to raise the fact that the basics of care were too often absent including:
No oral hygiene considered at anytime – no help to clean teeth
No help to drink - my parents on different occasions, were extremely thirsty - as they were unable to drink/reach fluids/glasses of water set out of reach. My mother was subsequently started on IV fluids as she became dehydrated in the Royal Victoria Hospital Stoke unit which was very well staffed by nurses.
Failure to recognise oral thrush and delay treatment for several days.
My father was told to use an incontinence pad rather than be taken to the toilet which he was supplied with despite the fact he was not incontinent. On one occasion when he was taken to the toilet during visiting time he was wheeled across the four bedded bay with no clothes on except an incontinence pad. When I raised this I do not think the staff could comprehend there was any problem, even though I raised his privacy and dignity as issues. This was in a surgical ward in the RVH.
"Poor oral hygiene, undignified care and lack of oral fluids"
About: Royal Victoria Hospital / Acute Stroke Unit Royal Victoria Hospital Acute Stroke Unit BT12 6BA Royal Victoria Hospital / Care of the Elderly Royal Victoria Hospital Care of the Elderly BT12 6BA
Posted by Cushendall12 (as ),
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