"Cancelled physio"

About: Victoria Integrated Care Centre / Physiotherapy

(as the patient),

I have been getting physiotherapy treatment for a few years now as I had a stroke and abscess on my spine, which prevented me from walking, doing stuff myself, dressing and undressing myself or going out. Until two weeks ago, when I was told, as I was the longest patient, my physiotherapy was being terminated with immediate affect (without prior warning given to me in writing or verbally by a manager). I was only told this by my physiotherapist when she came to visit to give me use of a Zimmer frame (for when walking in the house) and  a wheelchair (for when I go out shopping and to attend my dialysis treatment at the vale of leven hospital). I was then told I would have to refer myself again to the service, which I don't feel is right. I also spoke with the Renal team and they have found it terrible that this decision has been made, when I am under so much stress with my current medical ailments. I am left wondering what else to do.

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Response from Sylvia Fraser, Clinical Governance Facilitator & NHS Highland Operational Lead for Care Opinion, Clinical Governance, NHS Highland 12 months ago
Sylvia Fraser
Clinical Governance Facilitator & NHS Highland Operational Lead for Care Opinion, Clinical Governance,
NHS Highland

I am part of the overall team who manages complaints for NHS Highland and are known as the Feedback Team. We offer patients, relatives, MPs/MSPs, staff and anyone who requires assistance is registering a concern or formal complaint.

Submitted on 21/02/2024 at 08:30
Published on Care Opinion at 08:30

picture of Sylvia Fraser

Response from Rhona Hamilton, Physiotherapy Team Lead, Argyll & Bute

Dear Waterloo

Please accept our sincere apology for the delay in responding to your post.

I am sorry that you have had to contact us in order to raise your concerns following your last appointment.

Unfortunately we are unable to provide an ongoing maintenance physiotherapy service within the current Physiotherapy capacity.

Patients can access Physiotherapy services through their own GP, or other members of the wider Multidisciplinary Team. When patients reach the top of the outpatient waiting list they are assessed and a plan for treatment is made. This input is short term, usually 6-12 weeks, working towards specific goals.

Patients are then usually discharged with an exercise plan for them to continue to work on their strength and balance to maintain and possibly improve their function. If you feel that you are unable to maintain your current regime independently you should make an appointment with your own GP in order to discuss the best way forward. They can then confirm if a further referral is required.

If you would like to discuss this further please contact NHS Highland Feedback Team, and they can forward your details to me and I can arrange a call with you. You can contact them at nhshighland.feedback@nhs.scot

With kind regards


  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful

Update posted by waterloo (the patient)

Thank you for your reply

It's been very obvious to me that patients like myself have just been abandonned, with no information being sent to my GP into why this was terminated and not even put in writing with myself. I recently contacted my local MSP and local press.

I feel that a change of management is needed, or they need to ensure that the service is being run properly instead of patients being dumped without prior warning. I'm certain this wouldn't happen if I was a patient in a larger healthboard.

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