"Hysteroscopy Positive Experience"

About: Queen Alexandra Hospital / Gynaecology

(as a service user),

I went for a hysteroscopy at Portsmouth's Queen Alexandra Gynaecology Outpatients. I was absolutely terrified as I read so many stories of women who'd experienced terrible pain and poor treatment from staff during an outpatient hysteroscopy.

I met the consultant, Mr Al Syeed (forgive me if I've spelled that wrong, I only heard it and didn't see it written down) and he could immediately see that I was distressed and scared. The very first thing he did was assure me that I didn't need to have the hysteroscopy done in outpatients, it was absolutely my choice to have it done under general anaesthetic if I wanted, no pressure. 

He took my history and he explained how a hysteroscopy is carried out, continually emphasising that it's my choice if I choose OPH or not, and if I did that I could stop at any time.

After some time to consider my options I decided to try OPH, my reasoning being that although a third of women experience severe pain, another third don't and I might be in that third.

I went to the treatment room and the three female staff all introduced themselves and made me feel comfortable. I explained how scared I was and the nurse in charge, Jacqueline, said I could stop at any time, there was no need to try and be brave or grit my teeth and get through it. The other nurse Roz and the HCA Chrissie were all kind, especially Chrissie who made sure I was comfortable in the chair and felt covered up and not in a vulnerable or undignified position (this had been a particular worry of mine.) She also said she could chat to me or not, hold my hand or not, whatever would make me most comfortable.

Mr Al Syeed came in once I was settled and again explained what was going to happen and reminded me that I could stop at any time.  As discussed he gave me a local anaesthetic in my cervix, I'd describe the feeling as a bit 'stabby-ouchy', pain level on a par with a dental injection and very brief.

Then he started with the saline solution and this did begin to hurt, a mix of pressure and pain, but the nurse continually checked I was OK. It got painful enough for me to ask for a halt to catch my breath, and of course I immediately apologised but both Jacqueline and Mr Al Sayeed said, nonsense, no need to apologise for anything.

We started again, and the pain was building up again. I was asked if I wanted to stop or go ahead with the biopsy. I said as I was there I'd give it a go, but I found it too painful. Just as I was saying "stop" the nurse was also saying that's enough, stop. At this point on a scale of 1 - 10 I'd put the pain at 7 or 8 compared to the most painful thing I've experienced.

So everything stopped and me being me I apologised for wasting everyone's time but Mr Al Syeed and Jacqueline were adamant I hadn't wasted anyone's time at all and I had nothing to apologise for.

Mr Al Syeed left the room so I could get dressed, I burst into tears thanking the nurses and HCA for being so kind as I'd been terrified I'd be railroaded into continuing to the end. They were all so kind, Chrissie gave me a hug and then made me a cup of tea.

I'll be honest, the pain at this point was quite bad, worse than any period pain cramps I've ever had. I sat in the waiting area (a separate one to the main area) and after about half an hour I felt able to leave. By the time I got home the cramps had subsided and 4 hours later, I felt fine.I can't thank Mr Al Syeed, Jacqueline, Roz and Chrissie enough. I arrived in an extremely tearful, anxious and frightened state and their calm, professional and above all empathetic manner made me feel safe and in control.  At no point did I feel coerced into continuing or that I was a failure for not getting through it.  And although I'll need to go back and have it done again under GA or sedation, I'm not worried at all about it.

I know a lot of women have had dreadful experiences with OPH and I really wish everyone could be treated the way Mr Al Syeed and his team treated me today.  I'll be emailing Queen Alexandra Hospital separately to express my thanks.

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Response from Kay Bird, PALS Manager, Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust 13 months ago
Kay Bird
PALS Manager,
Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust
Submitted on 19/02/2024 at 16:56
Published on Care Opinion at 16:59

Good afternoon

Thank you so much for taking the time to leave this lovely feedback about your recent experience of care in the hysteroscopy clinic.

We will share this feedback with the team as I am sure they will be delighted that they helped to make the experience more bearable for you.

We wish you well in your recovery.

Best wishes,


PALS Manager, Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth.

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