"I felt like I had wasted their time"

About: General Practices in Grampian Royal Aberdeen Children's Hospital / Paediatric Assessment Unit (Children's Assessment Unit)

(as a parent/guardian),

Immersive Reader

My son had been ill for over a week , visited the GP twice and on the second occasion. Referred us to the paediatric assessment unit. 

The moment we arrived the nursing team were welcoming. The SCN was very pleasant and kind. 

When medical team reviewed my son I felt like I had wasted there time, no bloods, swabs, tests were performed. He had hardly been awake the whole day. 

Being in the nursing profession myself, I felt very let down by the service. 

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Response from Caroline Clark, Chief Nurse, Children's Division, NHS Grampian 12 months ago
Caroline Clark
Chief Nurse, Children's Division,
NHS Grampian
Submitted on 20/03/2024 at 16:39
Published on Care Opinion at 16:39

Immersive Reader
picture of Caroline Clark

Dear Mum1105,

I am really sorry that your experience with the medical staff was below the standard expected. Medical staff try very hard to minimise the distress to children by being thoughful about the kinds of tests they undertake. However, no parent should feel that their concerns are dismissed or that they have wasted anyones time, for that I apologise. In this instance I would expect a thorough explanation and plan for your child that is discussed between you and the doctor. It doesnt sound like this happened in your case.

I will pass on your feedback to the medical lead to discuss with all doctors so that we raise awareness of the importance of joint decision making and listening to parents concerns.

On a more positive note, thank you for the lovely feedback about the nursing team and I will pass that onto the SCN and team.

I hope your son is now on the mend and thank you for your feedback, without this kind of feedback we cannot make the required improvements.

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