"Mental Health in the workplace"

About: Adult Mental Health Community / IPS Future's Positive - County

(as the patient),

I began this journey many years ago. It has been a long battle to try to work out what was wrong with me. After suffering with PMDD for many years, which resulted in a full hysterectomy. I still struggled with my moods and due to other events, my anxiety had begun to increase. 

After a GP referral to the local mental health team, I was given my first appointment. I attended regular appointments and received 2 diagnoses. One of which is severe anxiety. My anxiety was at its peak and work was not going well. I desperately want to leave my career of over 25 years.

My mental health nurse put me in touch with Futures Positive - The Employment Support Service.  As soon as Tina arrived at my house I felt comforted by her warm and caring nature. At the time I met Tina I was signed off work with stress and anxiety due to work related issues. Tina listened to my worries and reassured me that she was now there to support me. I felt a weight lifted instantly from my shoulders. 

Tina not only helped by understanding and supporting me with her kind words, she made me feel like I was strong and could work through things in such a way that would allow me to get back to work. Tina helped me compile an email to my employer to arrange a meeting with the a senior leader to discuss how my anxiety was being affected by uncertainty at work. She negotiated with my employer new terms and conditions that would take effect the following academic year. This was to alleviate further anxiety. She got me back to work!

Since returning, Tina has been with me every step of the way. She has organised and attended other meetings as new Senior Leaders have taken over the Heads role at school. She has made her presence known and my employers are aware that I have the backing of someone who works for the NHS to help me with my mental health.

Now that I am feeling more stable in my job, Tina has begun supporting me with my ultimate aim - to leave teaching and change career. This is something that heightens my anxiety as I struggle with change. She has worked with me to look for potential new careers; how I might achieve the transition; what new qualifications I might need. She has talked and worked through the process of investigating the area of work I am contemplating changing to. This is something I would never have been able to do without her, as every time I thought about beginning to research I would be far too anxious to begin.

I cannot thank Tina enough for how she has helped me and the support she is continuing to give me in order to reach my goal.  

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Response from Sangita Dhawan, Senior Employment Specialist, AMH, Future's Positive IPS Service, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust 11 months ago
Sangita Dhawan
Senior Employment Specialist, AMH, Future's Positive IPS Service,
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust

I manage a team of employment specialists which is attached to Mansfield, Ashfield and Newark& Sherwood LMHT. the service supports the service users to seek suitable job opportunities by offering intense support that is responsive to individuals' strenghts, skills abilities and percieved barriers and follows this with time unlimited on job support to help sustian employment. provides employment support, careers advise and guidance to the service users who are under the care of AMH.

Submitted on 28/03/2024 at 09:26
Published on Care Opinion at 09:26

Dear MD76

Thank you for sharing your experience and feedback about the employment support service. Your journey would inspire many others who may be facing health related challenges, to seek support and look towards their recovery. I am very pleased to hear that Tina's support has helped you to successfully return to work and you are receiving ongoing and consistent support from her to look at career change in the near future.

I will pass on your kind comments to Tina and I wish you all all the best in your journey towards a new career.

Best Wishes

Sangita Dhawan

Employment Lead

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