"I was told I wasn't an emergency"

About: Aberdeen Royal Infirmary / General Surgery Fraserburgh Hospital / GMed Fraserburgh Hospital / Minor Injuries General Practices in Grampian Scottish Ambulance Service / Emergency Ambulance

(as the patient),

I woke up with excruciating pain in my lower right side of my stomach. Went to toilet as have IBS and thought it could be that but I started being sick. The pain got worse, I could not stop being sick. Phoned an ambulance, they came and went to neighbours then finally came into me.

Did Observations but because I mentioned IBS they automatically said that was what was wrong. They gave me Calpol lozenges and said to get a hot water bottle and sleep. I was screaming in pain and begging them to get me help but they said there was nothing they could do. 

I later phoned doctors to see if I could get a home visit which was approved. Now this was mid afternoon before she came and the same as ambulance team from morning did obs, didn't touch my stomach and prescribed mebeverine for IBS.

By this time I was crawling about on my hands and knees screaming in pain being sick but nothing coming up, so was just retching.

My partner called another ambulance but was told I wasn't an emergency so no ambulance would be coming.

I waited and phoned another ambulance, they came out, did obs, said they would phone GMEDs and get them to phone me.

Finally I got an appointment with a doctor at Fraserburgh Minor injuries Unit at 10pm. The doctor touched my stomach and straight away said I needed to be admitted to Aberdeen Royal infirmary as they suspected a burst appendix and could my dad drive me nearly 50 miles or I could die.

My dad got me to ARI and I was taken straight to the emergency surgery ward.

I got a scan on the Thursday which showed my appendix had burst and I was full of gangrene, they started giving me morphine for pain and fluids but didn't operate until the following morning. The surgeon later told me it was so messy I was one very lucky lady to have survived surgery without having to be cut right across my stomach and a stoma bag fitted temporary. They washed me out with 4 litres of water and got me back to the ward.

Then the fun started. Anytime I needed the toilet I was told to get out of bed and go because the nurses couldn't help me. I had burn marks on my elbows off the bed sheets trying to get out the bed, then when I stood up straight the glue burst on my belly button and bled so had to be dressed every time I moved or needed toilet.

2 days later I was moved to the short stay ward as they were thinking about putting me home.

My breathing was not good and felt chesty so I was taken for a chest x-ray which showed I had infection and fluid in both lungs (double pneumonia). I was put straight onto oxygen 24/7, constant blood tests, IV antibiotics every hour.

I was one very very poorly lady to say the least.

10 days later I got to go home

I was reading my discharge letter which said everything on it but also that I have gallstones in my gallbladder which could become inflamed at any time and no one had previously told me.

I was so upset but angry too because I had not been told in hospital.

I feel the neglect from the ambulance crews and the on call doctor was disgusting. Not once did 1 out of 5 supposed to be professionals touch my stomach and if it had not been for the doctor in Fraserburgh and my dad I would most likely have died. 

It is an absolute disgrace. More training should be given, having a bit of common knowledge would help a bit not just to go along with the patient saying they have something so they just agree with them.

This seriously needs addressed and fast.

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from David King, Patient Experience Coordinator, Corporate Affairs, Scottish Ambulance Service 11 months ago
David King
Patient Experience Coordinator, Corporate Affairs,
Scottish Ambulance Service
Submitted on 09/04/2024 at 12:49
Published on Care Opinion at 13:05

Dear Cazza4450

Thank you for sharing your story. It sounds like you had a truly awful time.

I would like to have our part in this matter investigated and would be grateful if you would contact me at sas.feedback@nhs.scot with your name, Care Opinion name (which allows me to link it), the address and dates we attended and a contact telephone number.

I do hope you are feeling better now.

Kindest regards


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Response from Denise Johnson, Interim Chief Nurse, Division of Surgery, NHS Grampian 11 months ago
We are preparing to make a change
Denise Johnson
Interim Chief Nurse, Division of Surgery,
NHS Grampian
Submitted on 09/04/2024 at 16:42
Published on Care Opinion on 10/04/2024 at 08:12

Dear Cazza4450

Thank you for taking the time to write and share with us what seems to have been a very harrowing experience. I am so sorry to hear you have found some of your care experiences in parts of your patient journey not up to the standards we aim to provide. You must indeed have been in a great deal of pain given the surgeon's findings. To then experience issues with getting to the toilet, your wound bleeding, being moved to another ward and having a chest infection must have been very upsetting. I would very much like to learn more about your time with us in the Emergency Surgical ward and would therefore appreciate if you can contact me directly on denise.johnson@nhs.scot

I understand this is an anonymous post and that this might not be the right time for you to get in touch directly, if you choose not to get in touch please be assured that your feedback, for the general surgery team, will be discussed at our weekly team meeting and we will look at where we can make changes to prevent this happening to other patients.

My colleagues in the GMED service are pleased to read that one of their clinicians reviewed you thoroughly and arranged your admission to hospital. The GMED team would like to share your experience with their clinicians in order to continue to improve their services and to specifically share your post with the clinician who cared for you. If you would be happy for them to do so, please contact the GMED Operations Manager on gram.gmedurgent@nhs.scot

Most of the GP Practices in NHS Grampian are independent contractors and unfortunately this means they have a separate feedback system. They are not currently registered to receive feedback through Care Opinion and don’t routinely access the feedback shared. The best option for you to receive a response around this part of your care would be to write to them directly. However, if you don’t feel comfortable doing this, but would still like to make sure they are aware of your experience, please forward the name of the practice to kirsten.dickson@nhs.scot or telephone /text: 07885720267. Kirsten will share with the practice manager and update you with any response received.

Thank you again for this feedback. I hope your health is improving and that you are reassured we will endeavour to learn from your story for the benefit of others.

Kind Regards


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