"Young carers views"

About: NHS Fife

(as a staff member),

Immersive Reader

We with some Young Carers and they told us about some things about their experiences with health services in Fife.

The things they shared which were positive: -

I got a lift home from my mum’s occupational therapist.

I was allowed to stay past visiting hours to make sure the person was comfortable and settled in ok.

Helpful changes were made to the house, disabled access shower and grips added to walls.

Doctor recognised rheumatoid arthritis quickly.

Occupational therapist has helped my dad get around the house, replaced equipment quickly and showed us how to use stuff.

Felt included in chats with diabetic nurse and included in the plan.

Great carers for disabled aunt, doctors and nurses came out to her, very supportive.

The things they shared which were not so positive: -

When my mum was in hospital I asked what room she was in and they didn’t know who I was talking about. They then realised who I meant but wouldn’t tell me as I was on my own.

Not being told information that I needed to know.

Not being told information because the person has no carers card or because they are not the main carer.

Wouldn’t let me in the room with my mum even though I said I was a carer.

Doctor sent someone who had a stroke home saying “sober up”

My mum feels like the doctor thinks she exaggerates things and feels somewhat ignored

A&E staff were very cold (in manner)

Mum got a new nurse, nurse didn’t listen, when taking blood and started swirling needle around in arm. Mum left with massive bruise.

Social workers getting it wrong, proposing a plan that would be completely wrong for my family.

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Louise Ewing, Clinical Service Manager, Older Adult Services, Health & Social Care Partnership Fife Wide 11 years ago
Louise Ewing
Clinical Service Manager, Older Adult Services,
Health & Social Care Partnership Fife Wide
Submitted on 05/11/2013 at 14:55
Published on Care Opinion at 14:57

Immersive Reader
picture of Louise Ewing

Thanks for sharing some of your experiences with us through Patient Opinion. It’s really useful to hear things from your point of view as young carers. It’s difficult for me to respond specifically to some of the points made; however, now that you’ve seen how Patient Opinion works I would encourage you to use it to let us know what we are doing well and what we could do better for you and your families.

I am going to share this posting with a number of folks,including nursing and medical staff and other health professionals who will be interested in hearing your views. I will also share your comments with our Carers Strategy Group and the contacts that we have through that group. Finally, I will make sure that the Managers get to see your comments too. This will make sure that more and more of our staff can learn and think about the things you’ve told us. I’ll let you know if I get anything back from them.

If any of you would like to speak to me about any of the concerns you’ve raised you can contact me directly on 01592 648153 or email me at patientrelations.fife@nhs.net

Thanks again for taking the time to share


Louise Ewing

Patient Relations Manager

NHS Fife

Thanks again for giving us this information – this is exactly the kind of thing we are looking for!

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