I recently had a home birth, and my experience with the home birth team could not have been better.
The majority of my antenatal appointments were with Gill, however I also met Caroline K and Kylie during this time. They were always so helpful at explaining my options and had many helpful tips for a successful home birth.
Caroline B was with me during my birth as well as Stacey and a student midwife Lauren. They were fantastic support. Caroline in particular knew how to balance perfectly making helpful suggestions whilst taking my preferences and birth plan into account.
I needed stitches after, these were also done at home expertly (and pain free) by Stacey.
It was also wonderful for Lauren to be present for the birth after having attended an antenatal appointment where she sat in. She is ever so passionate about midwifery and will be an excellent midwife.
I am also particularly grateful to Kylie for the help she provided postpartum with breastfeeding and taking the time with me to help with positioning and latching. After numerous problems breastfeeding before, I had resigned myself to exclusively pumping (which I had done for my first) but after her wonderful support I have been able to breastfeed my new baby and he is gaining weight well which is fantastic.
I will forever be grateful for the home birth team. My birth itself was perfect and the care and support provided by the whole team before, during and after has given my little boy the best possible start. Thank you all.
To anyone considering a home birth, I don’t think you could be in better hands than the Glasgow home birth team.
"The most exemplary team, who gave my family the best start"
About: NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde / Home Birth Team NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Home Birth Team
Posted by Kbluebell (as ),
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