I attended an appointment last year at Lochalsh Healthcare Centre and parked in the their car park. There is only one accessible parking bay there and I use a large 6 metre long wheelchair accessible vehicle with rear entry/exit via a wheelchair lift. When I exited the vehicle, there was a loud crunching noise and my wheelchair lift juddered making odd movements and noise. When I was out of the vehicle, I could see that, at the rear of the bay, the mono-block surface and the dished drainage channel (which should not be used on a wheelchair accessible route, as it breaks wheelchair wheels and can tip wheelchairs) were loose and moving under the lift, meaning it was not a flat, even and level surface, as it should be. On entering the building, I went straight to reception and reported that the surface needed to be repaired as soon as possible as it was dangerous for wheelchair, and other users, and appeared to have caused damage to my wheelchair lift on my vehicle. I was told it would be reported. After my appointment, I returned to my vehicle and had trouble entering my vehicle as the wheelchair lift had clearly been damaged on exit, damage which I have since had to have repaired. I have since reported the problem with this one and only available accessible parking space, on several occasions and have asked why it hasn't been repaired as I could no longer use it and had great difficulty finding anywhere close by that I could park. I have repeatedly been met with staff shrugging their shoulders and saying we have reported it. It is not our responsibility to repair it. I can no longer attend appointment at Lochalsh Healthcare Centre, which means that I am losing healthcare appointments. Having reported this problem numerous times in the last year and it still hasn't been repaired speaks volumes as to NHS Highlands attitude to disabled people. They are all inclusive of other groups yet somehow us disabled people don't seem to count, or be included. How do I get this repair done so that I can get to appointments I need to attend?
"Unable to use only accessible parking bay at Lochalsh Healthcare Centre as it hasn't been repaired"
About: General Practices in NHS Highland General Practices in NHS Highland
Posted by LS1 (as ),
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Update posted by LS1 (the patient) 10 months ago
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Update posted by LS1 (the patient) 8 months ago