We attended the Royal Alexandra Hospital (Paisley) parental education classes these were broken up into 4 classes - Birth, Helping Hand, Post Natal and Breastfeeding session. Alongside this we had private classes. I wanted to highlight that the classes at the RAH were so much more detailed, practical and informative than the private sessions which we had paid for. Also the sessions are laid out exactly the same with the 4 topics above!
Birthing Session
The NHS session was much more informative with information on best birthing positions naturally. They demonstrated each of the positions, they got out the birthing ball etc. Unfortunately at the private session there wasn’t discussion of a midwife community unit which applied to us, we were the only couple not giving birth at the QEU. At the private session they kept saying don’t go on your back or leg up in stirrups, whereas the midwives in Paisley were like demonstrating here are the best positions. We also got a tour of one of the Birthing rooms at the end of our session and it was so reassuring to see it (as only experience of hospital is A&E). It was so much calmer than expected and really put my mind at ease.
The only advantage of the private class at this point was them focusing on how birthing partners could assist through words/oxytocin but in terms of practicality the NHS ones are much better.
Helping Hand Session
The Helping Hand Session at the NHS was all about needing assistance, we recognised one of the midwives at this session, Lorraine, because she is also our community midwife. This session was so helpful and to compare it to the private session for example; NHS showed us all the equipment so for example in breaking your waters in the NHS session they are like and here is what we will use and pass it round the room, similarly, for the balloon, an example of this was passed round but at the private class everyone’s question was how big is this instrument/balloon and there were no examples/pictures. A ventouse was also shown at the NHS sessions but was just classified as an assisted delivery with little detail at the private class. I felt very grateful to have actually seen this equipment and talked through them at the Paisley sessions.
Pain Management was also covered in a good amount of detail in the NHS session from water through to epidurals and how this applies to you green/red pathway. I remember raising in the private class the red card that they give you before epidurals and they were like oh yes so that’s all the things that could go wrong with an epidural. But it was actually helpful to see it before you are in that situation which is one of the benefits of the NHS classes. Again we also managed to see one of the Labour rooms, which again really puts your mind at ease.
Post Natal Session & Breastfeeding sessions
Again, basically the same class as the NHS ones on how to care for the baby post birth and breastfeeding. However I felt the NHS breastfeeding class (ran by LeighAnn and Marissa) was so much more practical, caring and informative. The private class obviously highlighted that breastfeeding is preferable but the NHS class was more supportive as in the midwives will be there to help you don’t need to worry. There were feeding cues on screen at the NHS session whereas this was just touched on in the private class. Also I remember the x2 midwives demonstrating if the baby hasn’t latched on correctly the way to remove and readjust the baby, so as not to hurt yourself. I raised this at the private class and said this is what I was told at the NHS class and they said yes that’s a really good point – the private session hadn’t even covered how to physically get the baby off breast.
Physio Education
Again a very helpful class, I actually took the invitation to do a self-referral and see a physio for some pain and it was so beneficial. The physio (Katie) told me about the Squeezy app which has been the best £3 spent. Very grateful for them taking the time to do this.
In conclusion someone should honestly compare these sessions because you would be forgiven for thinking someone has just attended the Paisley sessions and is now re-teaching and charging for them. It seems unfair to the midwives running these sessions; as the sessions are so informative, ran by midwives so the actual experts on these topics and the midwives were honestly so supportive at answering questions and reassuring expecting parents! So we wanted to take this opportunity to recognise that these sessions ran by the midwives at the RAH are absolute gold!
"Parental Education Classes"
About: Royal Alexandra Hospital / Maternity care Royal Alexandra Hospital Maternity care PA2 9PN
Posted by Elle22 (as ),
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