"It was perfectly adapted to our family and cultural context"

About: Adult Mental Health Community / Family Intervention Team - City

(as a service user),

I’ve just completed Behavioural Family Therapy with Felicity and Babita and it was incredible and perfectly adapted to our family and cultural context.

It made a positive difference to my mental health by helping my partner to understand my condition, the signs and symptoms and how to help me at different stages. It has enabled us to communicate and relate better within our family using a range of skills we learnt during the sessions.

The therapy has both reduced triggers for me becoming unwell, such as conflict at home, and has enabled my partner to support me more effectively when I’m unwell. It now feels like we have a common understanding and work together as a team. As a ‘carer’ he now feels confident that he understands what’s happening and knows what to do, and also that he’s been recognised for everything that he does.

As someone with a long term mental health condition, support had always focused on me individually. However this support has been transformative. It has made me realise how essential it is to support and empower the family/friends/carers around an individual, as they are the most effective support system and are there day-in and day-out.

Thank you so much to Felicity and Babita for this amazing support.

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Response from Laura Glackin, Family interventions Co-ordinator, Family Intervention Team, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust 8 months ago
Laura Glackin
Family interventions Co-ordinator, Family Intervention Team,
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Submitted on 04/07/2024 at 09:30
Published on Care Opinion at 11:44

Hi Bea L

Thank you for letting us know how Family work helped your family and that is was tailored to you and your families needs.

You're right, supporting families is essential in recovery and we are so pleased that has such a positive experience with our very skilled family workers Felicity and Babita.

Wishing you all the best on your recovery journey.

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Response from Andrea Emmens, Family Interventions Co-ordinator, Adult Mental Health Care Group, Nottingamshire healthcare NHS trust last month
Andrea Emmens
Family Interventions Co-ordinator, Adult Mental Health Care Group,
Nottingamshire healthcare NHS trust

Provide, promote, facilitate and supervise Family Interventions

Submitted on 11/02/2025 at 20:59
Published on Care Opinion at 20:59

Hi Bea L

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on your experience of Family Work, it is greatly appreciated. It helps us to keep doing the things that went well and make changes as needed. I am so pleased to hear it helped your family and that is was tailored to you and your families needs.

Involving and supporting Families has a real impact on the recovery of all, I am so very pleased this was the outcome for you and your family.

I have been away from work for a while, to return and read your wonderful feedback was such a delight; as I am sure it was for Babita and Felicity, your Family Workers.

If you would be interested in sharing your story/experience and become involved in the work of Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust please do not hesitate to get in touch; email: fienquiries@nottshc.nhs.uk Tele: 01909 498360

I wish you all the very best, Andrea

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