I have just returned home from the Care Home where I have been for a whole month and the care and staff are extremely good.
I had a fall and a femur fracture and was admitted to Alternagelvin Hospital for an operation and then after a month I was transferred to the care home for rehabilitation. Everyone was wonderful. Extremely good with me. Also, a mention for the Dalriada Hospital who were wonderful too.
I am now home but because I live so far out we are unable to find carers to support me, so in my 90s I will be moving back to England to be with my daughters, my husband of the same age has already relocated there.
We have been here 18 and a half years and I love it here but sadly we have to move back for health reasons.
However, I wanted to thank everyone for their care and kindness.
"Care after my fall"
About: Altnagelvin Area Hospital / Trauma & Orthopaedics Altnagelvin Area Hospital Trauma & Orthopaedics Londonderry BT47 6SB Dalriada Urgent Care Dalriada Urgent Care Ballymena BT42 3GA Roddens Residential Home Roddens Residential Home BT53 6JB
Posted by muscapw85 (as ),
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