"Care after my fall"

About: Altnagelvin Area Hospital / Trauma & Orthopaedics Dalriada Urgent Care Roddens Residential Home

(as the patient),

I have just returned home from the Care Home where I have been for a whole month and the care and staff are extremely good.

I had a fall and a femur fracture and was admitted to Alternagelvin Hospital for an operation and then after a month I was transferred to the care home for rehabilitation. Everyone was wonderful. Extremely good with me. Also, a mention for the Dalriada Hospital who were wonderful too.

I am now home but because I live so far out we are unable to find carers to support me, so in my 90s I will be moving back to England to be with my daughters, my husband of the same age has already relocated there.

We have been here 18 and a half years and I love it here but sadly we have to move back for health reasons.

However, I wanted to thank everyone for their care and kindness.

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from AnnMarie Conlon, Falls Integrated Pathway Co-Ordinator, Primary Care Older People, WHSCT 9 months ago
AnnMarie Conlon
Falls Integrated Pathway Co-Ordinator, Primary Care Older People,
Submitted on 21/06/2024 at 17:24
Published on Care Opinion at 17:24

picture of AnnMarie Conlon

Dear muscapw85,

My name is Ann Marie Conlon and I am the Falls Integrated Pathway Co-ordinator within the Western Health and Social Care Trust.

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback on the care following your fall and fractured neck of femur. We are always grateful to those who share their experiences of the services they have received.

It was reassuring to learn that you received very good care following your fall and rehabilitation.

I am sorry to hear that you have been unable to obtain care to support you in your own home and that you are now moving to England to stay with your daughters because of health reasons.

I hope that you are making a good recovery at this time and that everything goes smoothly with your move back to England at this time.

We always want to improve the service we provide, so please know that your feedback will enable us to look at what didn’t go well, and hopefully make it a better experience for patients in the future.

If you require further information on reducing risk of falls, please contact the Falls Integrated Pathway on 02871610763.

Best wishes,

Ann Marie Conlon

Falls Integrated Pathway Co-ordinator

We are currently looking for interested members of the public to provide feedback on our Falls Prevention Resources. This can be someone who has had a fall, is at risk of a fall or someone who cares for a person who has had a fall and feels passionate about improving Falls Services and Resources in the Western Trust. If this is something you would be interested in and would like more information on what is involved, please contact Úna McGovern at involve@westerntrust.hscni.net or call on 07775993582.

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Response from Philip Dawson, Manager - The Roddens, Residential Care, NHSCT 8 months ago
Philip Dawson
Manager - The Roddens, Residential Care,
Submitted on 26/06/2024 at 16:00
Published on Care Opinion on 27/06/2024 at 09:18

My name is Philip Dawson, Manager @ The Roddens Residential Home in Ballymoney NHSCT.

I am pleased to hear that you had a positive experience during your stay within The Roddens and that you received extremely good care. We are always very grateful to those that share their experience and feedback will be shared with the team through team meetings. Thank you for your kind words. Philip

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Response from Claire Bond, Lead Nurse Community Hospitals, Community Care, NHSCT 8 months ago
Claire Bond
Lead Nurse Community Hospitals, Community Care,
Submitted on 26/06/2024 at 20:44
Published on Care Opinion at 20:44

Dear muscapw85,

My name is Claire Bond and I am the Lead Nurse for Dalriada Hospital.

Thank you so much for taking the time to share your story with us, I am glad to hear you have had such a positive experience following your fall and fracture and I do hope you are recovering well.

I will share this will all the staff in Dalriada who will all be delighted to read your kind words.

Wishing you and your family all the best in your upcoming move to England.

Warm wishes,


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