"Passed from pillar to post trying to access surgery"

About: Lincoln County Hospital / Clinical haematology Lincoln County Hospital / General surgery Pilgrim Hospital / General surgery

(as a service user),

Immersive Reader

I have mild haemophilia and have been suffering with a hernia for the last couple of years.  

I was referred for an ultrasound in summer last year and then referred to the Pilgrim hospital for a surgical assessment.  I had already spoken with my haemophilia centre and they told me I needed to have the surgery in Lincoln.  When the appointment came through for Boston I phoned up to see whether this was correct and emphasised the need for my surgery to be down at Lincoln so as to ensure appropriate haemophilia care.  I was told that this was the right appointment and that if necessary they would refer me to Lincoln. 

I attended my first surgical assessment at the Pilgrim Hospital in autumn last year (the appointment had been rearranged three times before a date was sorted). The consultant at the Pilgrim agreed I needed surgery and referred me to Lincoln Hospital - for a surgical assessment.  This assessment took place in December last year, I signed the forms for the surgery and was advised that the typical wait was 9 weeks.  

A letter was sent to the haemophilia centre requesting a care plan, I'm unclear why, but there was a delay of several months.  I was eventually called for a haemophilia appointment at the end of April to undertake test of a new clotting treatment.  

This month I was called in again for a third surgical assessment.  

Everyone involved has been helpful, polite and professional but it does strike me the there is a lack of joined care for people with bleeding disorders.  Being called in for multiple appointment for the same thing is annoying for me and wasteful of your resources.  

My hernia isn't urgent but is occasionally painful and has restricted some of the things I can do. I have had to stop visiting the gym as a result and the delays in a resolution are delaying the time before I can back to exercise. 

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Lauren Rigby, Lead Nurse for Cancer, Palliative & End of Life Care, Ward 7a, ULHT 8 months ago
Lauren Rigby
Lead Nurse for Cancer, Palliative & End of Life Care, Ward 7a,
Submitted on 04/07/2024 at 08:52
Published on Care Opinion at 08:52

Immersive Reader

Dear BrianNana

Thank you for providing feedback following your experience within ULHT and apologise for any inconvenience caused. To to enable us to review the delays and what happened, with a view to resolving this for future patients, it would be appreciated if you would contact PALS (Patient Advisory Liaison Service) pals@ulh.nhs.uk



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Update posted by BrianNana (a service user)

Immersive Reader

Thank you following this up for me. I had my pre-operative assessment on Friday and as with every interaction the staff were helpful, friendly and knowledgeable.

Unfortunately the join up with the haemophilia centre stills seems lacking with no care plan available for my haemophilia treatment available to the staff who were discussing my surgery with me.

I've been advised to arrive at 11:30 so I can be prepared for my surgery but neither the nurse I spoke with nor the doctor knew whether this would include sufficient time to allow for my haemophilia treatment without which the surgery cannot happen.