Well where do I start. Went in Ayr hospital to have a knee replacement surgery. When I went to the theatre for surgery the anaesthetist had to ask me to make myself smaller as the guide wasn’t big enough. So they carried on, someone said to me to lift my leg as they thought it wouldn’t move so when I lifted it they gave me a general.
I woke up, all seemed well, back to ward. Told them of my reaction to codeine: serious constipation - but they still gave me codeine. Within an hour I knew what had happened, that day I was unable to pass water so they catheterised me (high blood pressure ). The next day still the codeine, still constipated. Drunk all possible laxatives, kept on telling the staff about me and codeine.
They had to keep me an extra day as they couldn’t stop leg from bleeding , the staff put on a pressure pad and bleeding stopped. Still constipated, so then as it was my discharge day , a staff nurse came in and told me to lay on my side and the term of “rocket fuel “ was spoke of. He told to hold on as much I could and then go to the toilet , that was quickly followed by a shower. Left hospital and went home.
It’s now late June and I've been sort of abandoned by all . Well I asked about my codeine problem and I was told by the complaints section at Ayr hospital that I hadn’t said anything to anyone about my codeine problem and I had moved my bowels on the day of my operation and the next day; this wasn’t true. They had no record of anyone giving me an enema and was told by the complaints dept that the log book was correct and I was wrong .
I am still in great pain and been so since October. I saw the consultant recently and he suspects that the pain and discomfort I been suffering since October was in part caused by the anaesthetist missing the right part and then causing nerve damage in my back which is transferring to my knee which is still swollen , hot and very painful.
I’ve now been put on a drug called pregabalin, been on it now for six weeks there has been a marginal improvement, but I am still not able to sleep at night as getting comfortable is a problem.
I feel the complaints dept in Ayr has been very obstructive, keep on telling me that the ward report is a legal document and it’s gospel saying the truth but as far as I am concerned it’s false information.
"I've been sort of abandoned by all"
About: University Hospital Ayr / Trauma & orthopaedics University Hospital Ayr Trauma & orthopaedics KA6 6DX
Posted by Disappointted Ayrshire (as ),
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Update posted by Disappointted Ayrshire (the patient) 8 months ago
Update posted by Disappointted Ayrshire (the patient) 6 months ago