On my first appointment was told my son would not be on the ASD spectrum as he was too sociable. Next appointment was referred to speech therapist and CAHMS. Neither service would see us. On third appointment the paediatrician had questionnaire from a nursery he attended 6 times for four hours. Was told to totally disregard everything everyone else thought and said and only listen to this nursery. I felt dismissed and that my opinion, views or thoughts were irrelevant. Felt from the very first appointment that the paediatrician made assumptions about me and my little one. Basically got impression the paediatrician was putting it down to my parenting skills rather than anything else.
I spoke to NAS and it seems the paediatrician is not following NICE guidelines. From hearing from others the assessment of my little one may not be following guidelines. The paediatrician has been unwilling to hear from anyone else and has not seen him in other settings. I have since spoken to a private consultant and though he is too young for a diagnosis I am paying for a private ADOS assessment as I believe if I ask to see another paediatrician I will be dismissed and viewed negatively.
On one hand I don't want him to be labelled unnecessarily but equally I would like some understanding of some strange things that are happening. I feel there is no point saying anything or doing anything until we have a private assessment as I believe I am being dismissed due to my previous history and current diagnosis of Aspergers. The last appointment felt very dismissive because nursery wrote and backed up what this person had already made their mind up on on the first appointment. Anything anyone or I could or would say seemed unimportant and irrelevant. This last appointment came across as a waste of time.
I believe I have no option but to pay for a private assessment to determine whether it is indeed my parenting skills or whether there is potentially anything else contributing to some behaviours. Possibly either way if another professional has input then maybe the current paediatrician will be more open minded rather than make assumptions.
"I felt dismissed and that my opinion, views or thoughts were irrelevant"
About: Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) / Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services – Community(County) Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services – Community(County) Nottingham NG3 6AA
Posted by lychnis (as ),
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Update posted by lychnis (the patient) 10 years ago