Finding out we were having a baby was an exciting time for us. However, at our 12 week scan, we left the QEU hospital in Glasgow feeling disappointed with the experience and staff we had encountered. It felt very hostile, impersonal and rushed.
At this point, I had been looking into homebirth. Reading lots of research and the positive stories convinced me that this was the environment I needed to birth in.
So I asked to be transferred to the homebirth team and Kylie was assigned as my homebirth midwife.
Kylie was great at answering all of our questions and caring for me during my pregnancy. She understood my EDD didn’t align with the scan/NHS dates and she never put me under pressure to agree to protocols or interventions. Information was presented to us and the final choice was always ours.
At 2am in early July, I was experiencing 3 contractions in 10 minutes so I asked my husband to call the midwife.
He called the QEU - and understandably felt a bit overwhelmed and anxious about the situation. Whoever was on the other end of that phone that morning was extremely rude and instantly dismissed him and asked if his wife spoke English.
English isn’t his first language but with a bit of patience and respect he could’ve easily communicated with her what I was struggling to say during contractions! To be honest, I didn’t expect anything else from the QEU especially after our poor 12 week scan experience!
Caroline was on call that day and arrived very quickly to our home.
From the first moment, she instilled a confidence and calmness in us and we felt SO reassured by her presence.
The professionalism she displayed during the entire birth was outstanding. She read our birth plan and ensured the second midwife also did when she arrived at around 4am.
All of our wishes were respected and Caroline guided us through every step of the birth - answering my questions and keeping us informed of progress when requested.
Due to Caroline’s expertise, I experienced no tears or trauma during my home birth.
I also cannot speak highly enough of my postnatal care. Gilean came out later on in day after the birth. Another friendly, calming and reassuring face to help us establish breastfeeding.
My breastfeeding journey would not be what it is today without Caroline, another home birth midwife who instilled reassurance and confidence in us from the first moment. Every day that she came to our home, she tweaked something to improve either the latch, position or the pain I was experiencing
She was also very proactive in identifying potential mastitis and taking action to ensure this didn’t escalate to anything more serious.
I couldn’t have asked for a better experience and I truly believe that the support I received from the Glasgow homebirth midwives is what resulted in such a positive birthing experience AND first 2 weeks of our son’s life.
I really cannot rate and speak highly enough of the Glasgow homebirth team. You really are the gold standard of midwifery care and what every woman should experience in Scotland.
We will forever be grateful for you all - Kylie, Caroline, Caroline, Gilean and Kate.
"Our positive homebirth"
About: Maternity care / Maternity Assesment/Triage Maternity care Maternity Assesment/Triage G51 4TF Maternity care / Maternity Out Patient Department Maternity care Maternity Out Patient Department G51 4TF NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde / Home Birth Team NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Home Birth Team
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Update posted by Sarahs859 (a service user) 7 months ago