"Amazing home birth team"

About: Community Midwifery / Birth at Home Team Community Midwifery / Craigavon & Banbridge Maternity care / Delivery suite

(as a service user),

I used the Southern Trust Home birth team last year and in December. 

I felt privileged to live within the Southern Trust as that was the only place in NI to have its own team. 

I was unsure about home birth, but my community team in Banbridgen really pushed and advocated for me to speak to them to see what my options were. 

The community midwives in Banbridge were also exceptional. 

From the minute i met Paula and her team of midwives i felt listened too, understood and advocated for. She had such passion for her job and you knew she was someone you could trust completely and feel safe with. 

Right up until i had to go to the hospital for delivery for a minor complication requiring monitoring by a hospital  the midwive followed me and continued on to ensure i felt safe, my wishes were being met and my birth plan known.  She pushed for me to have waterbirth. I was unable to ad only 1 available and in use. (Unacceptable for a large hospital the size of Craigavon)

I then proceeded onto have a natural birth. The Delivery girls in Craigavon were also exceptional, and  i had no fault at anyone as they were all outstanding. 

A few days prior to this i did have a negative experience with one midwife in discussions of an induction, which i decided against as i felt unecessary. I felt she scolded me and spoken down to me in regards to it. Which i feel sad when u look at the statistics of inductions in the UK in comparison to the WHO statistics and other countries. 

In a time of negativity i wanted to highlight the home birth team and the Banbridge community team, Without them i definitely wouldnt have had such an amazing experience. 

As someone whos a nurse themselves for 13 years and sees the NHS pressures, after the care I received i even consider changing to midwifery in my future plan as for the first time in many years i seen a group of individuals who get to be health professionals doing the best job they can, advocating for patients and working above and beyond to make them feel safe and making a difference. 

If every where had a community and home birth team like this and the support I received... you have to wonder... would birth trauma be as high, would medical interventions statistics be as high. 

I encourage all obstetrics to be made to shadow these ladies and see what difference these home births can do... or a bigger push on home birth centres!

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Paula Murray, Birth at Home Team, Leader, Integrated Maternity and Women's Health, Southern Health and Social Care Trust 7 months ago
Paula Murray
Birth at Home Team, Leader, Integrated Maternity and Women's Health,
Southern Health and Social Care Trust
Submitted on 12/08/2024 at 13:07
Published on Care Opinion at 13:12

Hi Teri,

It's lovely to read about your positive experience with the Birth at Home Team. We strive always to support and advocate for the woman's choice in pregnancy and birth. I will pass on your good wishes to the team. I hope you and your family are all well.

Every best wish.

Paula Murray

Birth at Home Team Leader

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Response from Gemma Winter, Antenatal Education Co-ordinator Midwife, Integrated Maternity and Women's Health, Southern Health and Social Care Trust 7 months ago
Gemma Winter
Antenatal Education Co-ordinator Midwife, Integrated Maternity and Women's Health,
Southern Health and Social Care Trust
Submitted on 12/08/2024 at 13:19
Published on Care Opinion at 13:22

picture of Gemma Winter

Dear Tgreen,

thank you for your feedback regarding our 'Birth At Home' team.

I will give them this positive feedback. Congratulation on the birth of your precious baby.

Thank you for your other feedback regarding induction.

I will discuss this with the midwifery Team Leads, Could you email me the area the discuss regarding induction happened and I can discuss it at our team meetings can you email me to: g.ready4baby@southerntrust.hscni.net

We would love to see you join our team in the future in maternity.

Kind regards,


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Response from Edel Magee, Community Midwife Team Leader, Integrated Maternity and Women's Health, Southern Health and Social Services Trust 7 months ago
Edel Magee
Community Midwife Team Leader, Integrated Maternity and Women's Health,
Southern Health and Social Services Trust

Community midwife Team leader Newry & Banbridge

Submitted on 12/08/2024 at 15:05
Published on Care Opinion at 15:05

Hi T Green,

On behalf of the Banbridge community midwives thank you for taking the time and highlighting the wonderful care you received from the team, we always strive to provide and support the Homebirth team and the women's wish on facilitating a home birth. We are delighted you were very happy with care received.

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