Mum had a fall recently in the care home in Peebles and although shaken and bruised, she seemed ok ish....However, the following day, we' decided to call 111 for advice and thankfully, they decided a doctor from B.E.C.S. would visit Mum.
Firstly, we received a call from a wonderful doctor at the BGH (Dr Fraser). He was great, so thorough and took time to talk through Mum's readings. He gave me (daughter) much needed reassurance until the doctor arrived at the care home.
Then, Dr Stewart ?? (unfortunately I didn't get his surname) arrived and he too was absolutely wonderful with Mum and us (her family).
He gave Mum plenty time (she's slow as she's in her 90s), re-checked all her readings, talked directly to Mum, which was lovely to see and gave much needed reassurance and wonderful holistic care to Mum and us (her family ) too.
We were very worried about mum and really, there are no words of appreciation for the support and care from both doctors, as well as 111 of course.
We were so relieved after Dr Stewart ?? had visited. He made a call back to Dr. Fraser, and an immediate change was made to medication.
Mum is doing much better this week and we all want to extend our grateful thanks to both Dr Fraser and Dr Stewart.
Please pass on our sincere thanks to them both for their wonderful care and service. So glad you are there, when we need you.
Thank you again.
"Wonderful care and service"
About: Borders General Hospital / Accident & Emergency Borders General Hospital Accident & Emergency TD6 9BS Borders General Hospital / GP Out of Hours (BECS) Borders General Hospital GP Out of Hours (BECS) Melrose TD6 9BS NHS 24 / NHS 24 (111 service) NHS 24 NHS 24 (111 service)
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