"Unfriendly, unwelcoming nurse"

About: University Hospital Monklands / Ear, Nose & Throat (Ward 9)

(as a parent/guardian),

Immersive Reader

I attended the tonsil clinic recently. I am actually quite taken aback with this encounter and assessment. I accompanied my adult daughter who had been waiting around 10 months to be seen after battling tonsillitis for many years.

I am glad I went along with my daughter as the nurse's manner was abrupt, and uncaring. Before even looking in her mouth, as my daughter hadn’t had antibiotics since last year, they told her they wouldn’t add her to the list for a tonsillectomy. Despite the fact that my daughter has had 3 episodes of peritonsillar abscesses impacting her airways and even required admission to the ward before, they told her it doesn’t make a difference. Even although ENT have offered to remove before as well as oral surgeons, GPs and dentists having all said they needed to be removed.

I felt they showed no compassion, no kindness or care at all.  Even if they felt she was not suitable at this time, this was not the way to discuss it. Of course, once they looked in her mouth their whole demeanour changed as they advised they would add her to the list. My daughter has unhealthy tonsils and she seemed to be brewing an infection on inspection - her pain threshold is clearly very high after many years of this. Hopefully she won’t need to be reviewed by this person again. 

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Response from Gavin Morrison, Senior Nurse - Surgical, Critical Care and Outpatients, University Hospital Monklands, NHS Lanarkshire 7 months ago
Gavin Morrison
Senior Nurse - Surgical, Critical Care and Outpatients, University Hospital Monklands,
NHS Lanarkshire
Submitted on 05/08/2024 at 11:48
Published on Care Opinion at 11:48

Immersive Reader
picture of Gavin Morrison

Dear Mother brownlie

I am disappointed to read about your recent negative experience at the tonsil clinic. I would expect all patients to be treated with dignity and respect and in a caring manner.

I will share your comments with the ENT team however if you would like to discuss the concerns in more detail please contact our Patient Affairs department on 01698 752300

Kind regards

Gavin Morrison

Senior Nurse for Surgical, Critical Care and Outpatients

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