Having had a previous traumatic birth at a trust in England, we were anxious and nervous about giving birth in hospital again, this time in Altnagelvin. However, the care and respect we received from the three midwives we were cared for by, was second-to-none and ensured that our two birth experiences were night and day, and worlds apart. I am sharing this feedback, not only to reassure any women and birth partners who might be nervous about giving birth in a hospital, but also to highlight to maternity HCP the difference that they can make to women and families as they embark on the next chapters of their lives.
Louise cared for us in foetal assessment and was respectful of our birth preferences request not to have VE or CTG on admission, using her midwifery skills and observing me to understand where in my labour I might be and how things were progressing. Not only this, but she explained everything to me, getting consent before even placing a hand on me to feel contractions. Louise made me feel reassured me throughout and communicated with me in a caring and respectful way, and this made me feel safe and supported as I was assessed.
Words can never describe how much that meant to me, and continues to mean to me, as I reflect on the entire birth. Louise moved us to labour ward, where our care was taken over by Judith and another midwife whose name we did not get unfortunately (we were only there for around 20 minutes before baby arrived!). Once again, Judith and her colleague were respectful, caring, encouraging and supportive as I laboured and birthed my baby. Despite not wanting a VE, they got me gas and air immediately and made me feel seen and heard throughout. The midwives also demonstrated excellent teamwork with relaying my birth preferences as my baby arrived – something I am sure was not easy for them given the speed things were progressing at. But having these preferences read out loud, and actioned by the midwives, once again made us feel that our wishes mattered, even if they were different to what might be considered the “norms”. Once our baby had arrived and we were settling into our recovery, Judith took the time to talk to us about our previous experience and to also go over our birth plan with us to address anything that hadn’t been achieved, discussing with us why this might have been the case. I feel emotional just thinking about how cared for this made us feel. I will be forever grateful for the care and compassion of these three midwives. I wish I could explain the difference it has truly made.
I don’t think I can ever put into words the difference these three midwives made to my overall birth experience. From feeling ignored and chastised throughout our first birth experience, to feeling supported, respected, encouraged, and held throughout our second birth experience.
All of this has also meant that my postnatal experience has also been entirely different, both physically and emotionally. I am forever grateful to these three midwives for caring for us and following our wishes, and for the gift of a healing birth that they gave me.
"Supported, respected, encouraged & held"
About: Altnagelvin Area Hospital / Maternity care Altnagelvin Area Hospital Maternity care Londonderry BT47 6SB
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