The care that my grandad received was extremely poor and he was let down by the NHS service as an elderly person after suffering from a stroke. He was given the wrong diagnostics when in hospital after they thought he had had another stroke. He was then taken to Colchestor hospital again. This actually turned out to be a coma he had fallen into because he was dehydrated and hadn't been given the medication he needed for his diabetes. In my opinion, and I'm sure you'd agree- I don't think leaving a glass of water on the bed side of a stroke victim who could barely move, let alone pick up a glass and drink for himself could be classed as care. Therefore, is it a wonder that he was severely dehydrated? When my dad visited him he once had to help another patient after he was complaining and obviously in pain- my dad told the nurse of this to which she replied 'ah, he does this a lot- it's alright'. My dad ignored this and helped the man- all he wanted was his arms moving from a table to his lap as they were hurting him. My Grandad died after months in this care- he was often left in wet clothes and his general hygiene was very poor. As an elderly man in need who had done years in his life helping others, through his local Church he was shockingly let down by the care he recieved.
"Family members stroke care"
About: Clacton Hospital Clacton Hospital CO15 1LH
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