"My amazing health visitor experience"

About: Children and Young People Services / Health Visiting

(as a service user),

Immersive Reader

I have two young children, 4 and a few months. I have had the most amazing experience with health visitors in the Craigavon area and this is all down to Sabrina.

From my first borns journey to now my second, she has been an invaluable asset. She has been so kind and helpful with just about anything you could possibly need.

Without her help and guidance I feel like I would have struggled. As a professional she is keen to help and never judges a situation before assessing it fully!

She is knowledgeable and reliable, what she says comes from experience and it makes you feel at ease.

I cannot begin to explain how comfortable she makes you feel when doing her reviews. People are quick to say bad things about health visitors but in reality, they are gifts you didn’t know you needed.

She’s is definitely part of my ‘village’ and the southern trust need more people like her. Thank you Sabrina, for always being there when I needed you!

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Response from Marie Doran, Lead Nurse for Health Visiting, Children and Young People's Directorate, Southern Health and Social Care Trust 3 months ago
Marie Doran
Lead Nurse for Health Visiting, Children and Young People's Directorate,
Southern Health and Social Care Trust
Submitted on 28/11/2024 at 16:03
Published on Care Opinion at 16:03

Immersive Reader

Dear hydraej59,

Such a wonderful compliment to receive for one of our health visitors Sabrina. Thank you so much for taking the time to tell us of your experience. As one of the Lead Nurses for the health visiting service I am incredibly proud that one of my team has been such a fantastic health visitor for you and your family. The experience you have described is exactly how I want all our families to feel about the HV service they have received, and what we are working hard for to try to achieve. The sentiments you have expressed are just so lovely ..a huge thank you for telling us your story.

I will share this with Sabrina today. She will be absolutely delighted.

Thank you

Marie Doran, Lead Nurse for Health Visiting.

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