I cannot praise Fife maternity and ante-natal services enough. My journey started years ago with Yvonne, the fertility nurse and then EPC. After several losses I went on to give birth to a healthy daughter this year. The staff in every area have gone above and beyond and nothing ever seemed like too much trouble.
I want to recognise a few staff but there are many many more who also played a part. All the staff in Triage and Day Care where i was being monitored regularly for pre-eclampsia. Midwives in induction suite Amelia, Alana, Faye and Isabell. Consultant led unit Zoe, Jacqueline, Ashley and Michael (reg). I could not have got through the intense quick labour without you all (sorry for the expletives). Maternity ward staff Karen and Chloe.
Once discharged I have had amazing support from the community midwives in the Carnegie Team, in particular Laura and Tara (student) who helped with the scary transition to becoming a mum. I am still supported by this amazing team due to issues with feeding.
I never thought I would be lucky enough to become a mum and Fife maternity services have helped and supported the process to make my world complete.
A huge huge thank you to each and every one.
"Supported the process to make my world complete"
About: Maternity care / Antenatal clinic Maternity care Antenatal clinic KY2 5AH Maternity care / Community Midwives Maternity care Community Midwives KY2 5AH Maternity care / Consultant Led Unit Maternity care Consultant Led Unit KY2 5AH Maternity care / Maternity Assessment Maternity care Maternity Assessment KY2 5AH Maternity care / Maternity Ward Maternity care Maternity Ward KY2 5AH Victoria Hospital / Early Pregnancy Assessment Service Victoria Hospital Early Pregnancy Assessment Service KY2 5AH
Posted by Dunf10 (as ),
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