"Rescheduled appointments"

About: Chapel Allerton Hospital

My appointments are rescheduled regularly. My appt at 9am this morning, was cancelled at 4.02pm yesterday! 17 hours notice. My previous appt was also cancelled. I needed a blood test before my GP would provide my meds, which run out in 2 days. Yet another date of 17th Dec has been made, I have another appt on that date, so now looks like it will be the New Year. I am the carer for my 88 year old mum with various health issues, and my partially sighted son, who also has regular hospital appointments. I have to work around them, and these broken appointments of mine cause problems. I can no longer have an appointment that I know will happen.

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Response from Tracy Richardson, Patient, Carer and Public Involvement Officer, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust 3 days ago
Tracy Richardson
Patient, Carer and Public Involvement Officer,
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Submitted on 13/03/2025 at 16:15
Published on Care Opinion at 16:15

Thank you for taking the time to write to us.

I am so sorry to read that you are having problems with the services at Leeds Teaching Hospitals. The level of service that you have described is not what we wish to offer.

I would that you please contact our Trust’s Patient Advise and Liaison Service (PALS). This would allow us look into the matters you have raised.

Please call our Patient Advise and Liaison Service (PALS) on 0113 206 6261 or alternatively email patientexperience.leedsth@nhs.net


Senior Nurse

Patient Experience

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