"Recognition of amazing nurses"

About: Dr Gray's Hospital / Pluscarden Clinic

(as a service user),

I was placed in ward 4 in Dr Grays, on two separate occasions. I was moved out of area and never knew about Elgin until I was transferred there. Although I was not there on the best of circumstances I did meet some amazing nurses who helped aid my recovery.

Jackie (recovery nurse) - Everyday she was there she would offer me 1:1 support, but not only that, she incorporated art into the sessions. This helped me engage more as I have an interest in art and I still utilise some of the strategies she taught me and still have my decider skills poster on my wall. We often talked about music, which was a coping skill of mine, she recommended bands to listen to which helped pass time. Jackie is a ball of energy; she has an amazing approach on how to support individuals and I’ll forever be thankful to her. She is one in a million.

Sarah-Jane often took me off the ward for fresh air. Which really helped being outside and smelling fresh air. She has such a kind heart and really helped me in times of distress. She always knew what to say and how to support me through challenging times. We shared laughs and she made the tough times easier with her kind nature. 

Clare was often on night shifts when I was in the ward. Although I didn’t have her as my nurse often, when I did, she left a lasting effect on me. She has caring nature, when I struggled, she validated my feelings and made me feel less alone. She often let me know that instead of engaging with behaviours, I should talk to someone instead. I didn’t take that on board while I was there, however, I now know that there’s people out there who do want to listen. 

There is another nurse on that ward, he often worked night shifts. I can’t remember his name, but I want to thank him as well, for treating me as a person. 

Collectively, these nurses have impacted my life positively and I hope they know that what they do is so appreciated. I know your work is often exhausting and mentally and emotionally demanding. You are the nurses who should be in this field of work. Although, we are just patients that pass through the system, just know that you make a difference in the world. 

Keep being you and Thank you ward 4.

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Response from Kathryn French, Clinical Nurse Manager, Mental Health Services, Dr Grays Hospital, NHS Grampian 2 months ago
Kathryn French
Clinical Nurse Manager, Mental Health Services, Dr Grays Hospital,
NHS Grampian
Submitted on 20/12/2024 at 14:40
Published on Care Opinion at 14:41

Thank you coinjw95 for giving such lovely feedback for the nurses on Ward 4 DGH

It was so good to read about the positive impact they have had on your journey of recovery and the different approaches from the different staff.

Jackie as the recovery nurse will be pleased to hear that the work you did together has been of benefit and you are still using the tools she helped to equip you with. It is always lovely to hear when staff have been kind and empathetic and it certainly sounds that is how Jackie, Clare and Sarah Jane and the male on nightshift have been. It is so important in the recovery process to feel validated and listened to and I am so happy to hear this is the way you feel you have been treated during your stay on ward 4.

I will make sure the feedback is passed on so they can feel proud of the positive work they have done that has made such a difference to you.

Thank you again for your lovely feedback.

Many thanks

Kathryn French

Acting Clinical Nurse Manager

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