Three days after giving birth, we were admitted to the Neo natal unit as my son had dropped 12.7% of his birth weight. I felt devastated and I didn’t know what this would mean for us. However, the entire experience turned into something incredibly positive.
The staff on the Neo natal ward were incredible supportive, listened to my fears, consoled me when I felt overwhelmed and offered an incredible amount of support during my stay.
We ended up staying for 2 nights in which he gained some weight back and showed dramatic improvements. I learnt so much about breastfeeding and I felt incredibly supported and my confidence was improved around feeding on discharge.
I cannot compliment the team enough on the Neo Natal ward. Their care, compassion and positivity is second to none and everyone is an amazing example of what makes the NHS so special.
"Their care, compassion and positivity is second to none"
About: University Hospital Wishaw / Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) University Hospital Wishaw Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) ML2 0DP
Posted by VerityKB (as ),
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