I attend Neurology clinics for my Hemifacial Spasms which will never go away, in both Belfast Royal Victoria Hospital and Belfast City Hospital. Dr. McKinley is the Doctor I see on each occasion.
Unfortunately however the arranged appointments keep getting cancelled and changed due to unforeseen circumstances each time. This leaving me suffering pain, discomfort and my right eye being closed on occasion. (It's the right side of my face affected by the condition.)
I appreciate that things do happen and situations arise that can cause appointments to have to be changed, but this is happening nearly every appointment!
The last one, I was just about to leave the house to travel to Belfast when I received a phone call to say again it was cancelled! Not good enough I'm afraid, what if I had already been on the motorway!?
When I first got diagnosed with the condition I was advised to have my injections, (which help keep my eye open and the twitching not so bad) every 3 months. But that is not happening.
I have since heard that the clinics Dr McKinley runs for this and other neurology conditions are only every 4 months! So what am I to do? I can't even read a book anymore as my eye closes fully when I look down and am in need of my injections. This also affects my confidence in public as people notice and question what's wrong with my eye/face. Not very nice!
It's getting really frustrating and this is not the first complaint I have had to make regarding this. I don't mind travelling for the appointments, but I wish they would be kept to the 3 months and not cancelled periodically.
Is there Botox clinics held anywhere else? Would this help the appointments being on schedule or do I just have to continue suffering and stressing, which in turn makes my eye worse!!
"Cancelled appointments"
About: Belfast City Hospital / Neurology Belfast City Hospital Neurology BT9 7AB Royal Victoria Hospital / Neurology Royal Victoria Hospital Neurology BT12 6BA
Posted by JBW1972 (as ),
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