"The whole team were fantastic"

About: The Princess Royal Maternity Unit / Gynaecology

(as a service user),

Immersive Reader

I want to say thank you to all the staff at the GRI from preadmissions to theatre staff and post op care. I have been waiting a long time for a diagnostic laparoscopy and was recently admitted under Dr Fiona. The whole team were fantastic and did everything to put me at ease, dealing with me with care and compassion. 

I want to give particular thanks to the following people if this message reaches them:

Fiona and her registrar 

Kerri (I think her name was) in theatres- so kind and containing 

All the staff on ward 56 - when I say they did not stop - I mean they did not stop to come up for air. They dealt with a number of medical emergencies efficiently and with grace. Nurses Laurie, Zoya, Amanda, Fiona - I can’t remember everyone name sadly but they were all incredible. I can not speak highly enough of the staff on that ward.

Finally I want to give thanks to Dr Luke - the anaesthetist (I believe he was from NI) - sometimes you meet people in the NHS (and I work in it myself) who you will never forget. Luke was one of them - he spoke to me so beautifully before my surgery and soothed my nerves. I have a 5 year old daughter and I was so terrified something would go wrong in the surgery. He spoke to me not as a patient but as an actual human being - person to person. I can honestly say his communication skills were some of the best I have ever encountered in all my time in the NHS. I have no words other than thank you. 

Thank you to all of you. 

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Response from Nikki Harvey, Lead nurse -Gynaecology, Gynaecology, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 2 months ago
Nikki Harvey
Lead nurse -Gynaecology, Gynaecology,
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Submitted on 19/12/2024 at 11:46
Published on Care Opinion at 11:46

Immersive Reader
picture of Nikki Harvey

Dear Katieoverthemoon,

On behalf of our fabulous team in Ward 56, thanks so much for this lovely feedback.

I an delighted to hear you were happy with your care despite the team "did not stop to come up for air".

I will be sure to share this with the team.

I wish you well in the future.

Kind regards,


Nikki Harvey Lead Nurse Gynaecology/ACS

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