My partner called an ambulance following me having what he thought was a mini stroke/ fit. The ambulance arrived very quickly and they agreed it was a possible TIA.
Taken to Whiston A&E.
I had no headache but right side weakness and felt very out of it. I’ve never experienced anything like it before and found it very upsetting.
Taken to observation ward for 9 hours. I had blood pressure checked once! I developed an awful headache and asked for paracetamol and water. Never received.
I wasn’t asked how I felt only by a health care assistant. My partner arrived and I asked him to tell the nurse what had happened as I could recall. The nurse was so dismissive. Just ummed and said notes were there from the ambulance.
I saw a Dr some 8 hours into my stay. She was very nice , thought that it was a TIA and I was sent to a ward.
Different Dr turned up about 2am and using the torch on his phone examined me. Said I’d need a head CT scan and possibly a lumber punch.
Following morning I had the CT no mention of a lumber punch.
I saw a different Dr who despite telling them I did not have a headache when arriving the previous day , it had developed some hours later, they insisted that I’d been brought in with a migraine.
I do suffer with migraines, but I know when I’m getting one as I have flashing lights and nausea. I had none of those symptoms.
I was sent home.
I received a discharge letter that states I came in with a right sided headache! There is no mention of what the paramedics saw or thought had happened when they came to my home.
The whole experience has left me feeling like I made the symptoms up. My partner said he’d never seen me behave that way and said as he was in the phone to 999, he was describing everything that was happening to the call handler.
This isn’t the first time my discharge letter and subsequent diagnosis has been incorrect from Whiston Hospital.
I have been told I’m lying by my GP as they’ve not received information I’ve been to hospital or the diagnoses they have been given is different to what I’d been told.
I’m still waiting on a follow up appointment having been in there for 7 days last year with what appears to have been an ischemic bowel. Though this was initially dismissed by a Dr I’ve never met as I “don’t meet the criteria “. However upon review of my tests they said it was. And????
I do truly understand how busy the NHS is but small mistakes can lead to big problems.
Incorrect information about patients means future health issue aren’t treated correctly and some patients are put off as they are left to feel like time wasters.
I’d really like my discharge letter corrected to reflect why I attended not showing something the third Dr thought I came in with which is totally wrong.
I wouldn’t waste NHS time with a migraine.
"A&E and subsequent discharge letter"
About: Whiston Hospital / Accident and emergency Whiston Hospital Accident and emergency Prescot L35 5DR
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