I had been given a Pet scan appointment at the Tom Wheldon Building, Gartnavel General Hospital, Glasgow. I had received a phone call the day before to say that one of the scanners had broken down, and could I come for my scan later in the day. I said yes.
I arrived at the re-arranged time and after waiting about an hour, a clinical technologist appeared and called out my name and another man's name. They told us both that they had hoped to have the scanner fixed that morning but unfortunately it was still not working. This meant that only one of us would be able to have a scan that day and that between the two of us we would have to decide which one of us got the scan.
My first reaction (which I did not voice) was you must be joking. I then said surely there must be a medical reason why one of us should get the scan first ? They said no , and was insistent that we would have to decide between the two of us who would go for the scan that day.
After a bit of discussion between the two of us and a few more questions , I suggested that a fair way to decide was to flip a coin. This is what we did.
I had to wait about another ten/fifteen minutes before I was taken for the scan and must say that I felt very uncomfortable (and still do) with the situation and couldn't understand why we the patients had had to decide. I couldn't work out how there was not some way the hospital could have decided, who had the first appointment ? who was referred first ? or even alphabetically !
Anyway the scan went well and I must say the staff were clear in their instructions and very helpful when answering all my questions.
I don't think asking patients to decide, is best practice and would not like to think it would happen to other patients.
"Flipping a coin for a scan"
About: Gartnavel General Hospital / Xrays and Scans Gartnavel General Hospital Xrays and Scans Glasgow G12 0XH
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Update posted by Novge58 (the patient) 2 months ago
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Update posted by Novge58 (the patient) 2 months ago