"Excellent nurses"

About: The New Coningsby Surgery

(as a service user),

I have been to New Coningsby surgery several times recently because I developed an unusual reaction to my hip replacement, and developed a very large blister on my foot which had to be lanced at UTC on Boxing Day evening.

On the following day I received a phone call from the receptionist at New Coningsby surgery because I had called 111 and been to UTC. She made me an appointment to see a nurse called Lisette that afternoon. Lisette was absolutely lovely and dressed and bandaged the foot really nicely. Having been a veterinary nurse when I first left school in the 70s I really appreciate seeing a good bandage going on - especially when it's on my own foot and leg.

I saw her again the following week after I had been bandaged at Grantham the previous day. Again, she was lovely and bandaged it efficiently and nicely sitting cross legged on the floor with her tray of bandages ready and prepared.

She was the epitome of what a good nurse should be in my opinion. Unfortunately the following day was New Year's Day so the surgery was closed. I already had an appointment on the 2nd with a health care assistant called Emilie to remove the staples from the operation. Lisette had left a note on her diary asking her to remove the bandage and replace it because she didn't have room in hers to do it. Well Emilie exceeded my expectations. She was capable, efficient and compassionate, everything you could want in the situation. 

I have had previous good experiences with Emma, a nurse who helped through a very difficult time a few years ago. I have seen her once recently when my blood pressure was very high. I was telling her about how I'd had cancer of the uterus last year and had a hysterectomy which was carried out using a robotic system last May and that fortunately I'd had a phone call from a nurse three weeks later saying that there was no more cancer in my body when they removed a section from the lymph nodes. She was extremely concerned and wanted to know what the symptoms were. I had come to terms with what had happened, and it was like seeing an old friend and saying, you'll never guess what's happened to me since I saw you last.

I previously trained as a Person-centred counsellor, and I really appreciate nurses who show me empathy and compassion especially since I have had to retire for health reasons.

I would be remiss not to mention Ruth the former asthma nurse who I used to see when I was diagnosed with asthma, which at the time came as quiet a shock to me. I saw her every year for several years and she did two of my COVID injections.  Unfortunately I believe she has now left the practice but I was pleased to hear that she was back at the surgery recently to help with the COVID and flu boosters.

There used to be an advert on the TV years ago that said, "People remember nurses". It's true, I have certainly remembered the excellent nurses at New Coningsby surgery. As a former youth and community worker I am also really pleased that nurses at the surgery are given opportunities for professional development. If they feel valued by the practice they must be able to deliver a more enhanced service to us patients. I moved to Coningsby over a decade ago and I am now 68. As I develop more health problems I appreciate a good nurse even more.

Fortunately my husband is only in his early 60's and has recently retired, so that he can carry for me at this time. I am hoping to return to full health soon and when I do it will be thanks to the excellent nurses at New Coningsby surgery!

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