"Disappointing group OT and physio session"

About: Pilgrim Hospital / Occupational Therapy Pilgrim Hospital / Physiotherapy

(as a service user),

I didn't really find this session at Pilgrim hospital beneficial and neither did my husband who came with me. The handouts were obviously originally created for a PowerPoints presentation so were on A3 paper stapled together. They might as well have sent them in the post.

As we entered the room, unfortunately last as my husband had dropped me off and went to park because of the roadworks and then couldn't find me. Although it was only five minutes, before the session was due to start the OT had called everyone in - we were told by the receptionist sitting in a reception area just outside the room.

I thought the staff member sitting at the front of the room looked demoralised. They introduced themselves once everyone was in the room, along with a physio. We didn't have the handouts when we sat down and everyone else did. After a couple of minutes, I put up my hand and asked for the handouts. We were quite visible walking in after everyone else had sat down, I would have thought it was fairly obvious we needed the handouts.

Anyway the group session was a waste of time really, apart from the handouts with exercises but the physio at our GP practice had already given me these. The page saying not to bend over more than 90 degrees and not to turn round if someone called you from behind and not to cross your operated leg over the other one was the most useful thing. I have kept that in the basket of my Zimmer frame to remind me. As I say, it could have been sent in the post.

The person who rang me up to arrange for me to attend the group session apologised that he couldn't get me on a session at Grantham. I said that was fine as we live nearby. In retrospect I shouldn't have been so accommodating, not that it would have made much difference.

There was confusion about where the handout with the measurements for the OT was to be sent. I had rung the hospital that the letter originated from and they told me to send it to them. However later the OT from another location rang asking for the measurements and I mentioned it to them. They told me to send it to them instead, otherwise it would get lost.

By the way all I got was a raised toilet seat delivered the next day. I got a Zimmer frame and two sticks at the hospital, and my husband had already bought me a Zimmer frame with a basket on the front (which is a Godsend) and I bought a pair of crutches also online. 

Someone in the group also asked about where the letter should be sent and there was disagreement about the right location. I suppose it depends on what hospital you have your operation booked at.

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Response from Edwell Munyonga, Site Lead Occupational Therapist, Occupational Therapy, United Lincolnshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust last month
Edwell Munyonga
Site Lead Occupational Therapist, Occupational Therapy,
United Lincolnshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Submitted on 28/01/2025 at 15:36
Published on Care Opinion at 15:36

Hi dendy5555

Thank you very much for sharing your experience which highlighted learning points that I have since shared with the team. I know you will not have done so lightly and your feedback is extremely valuable to us. I am so sorry that both yourself and your husband didn't find the group session at Pilgrim Hospital useful.

I sincerely apologise that we could not book you for a class at Grantham Hospital and for not giving you a copy of the handout on the day as we had planned. I would also like to give you my assurance that we have taken your feedback very seriously and now learning from it.

Myself and our therapy teams at both hospitals are all truly committed to learning from your experiences and improve our practice.

Thank you.


Site Lead Occupational Therapist

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